Eddie Vedder Lyrics
Rejected Sacrifice
Cauterized at best
Failing your litmus test
I know it's dumb to say
But turnabout's fair play
Always knew that you
Were suffering a fool
But I don't want to be your friend
I don't need another friend
I've got too many friends
If I was Eddie Vedder
Would you like me any better?
That's it - I quit - I don't give a shit
Coming to a head
You're as good as dead
Generally... it's about trying your best... giving everything you can... but still not being good enough.
Everyone I show this song to sees it as a shot at Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam... personally, Pearl Jam is my favorite band, I think Scott uses Eddie as a metaphor for feeling like Local H is held back by not being famous or whatever. Scott tends to name songs after nonchalant lines in the song, I think that applies here.
Great song, got me into Local H.
If he was Eddie Vedder he would be more popular even tho they basicly had the same struggles...or atleast Eddie Vedder could be liked even tho he had those struggles and problems.
I always thought it was funny that this song is named after Eddie Vedder. Not only using Eddie Vedder's fame as an analogy, but also because it's very similar to a song Eddie Vedder might have written in the mid-90's.
It's about your image... your self-image and your public image, how you want to be seen and how people see you, disillusionment with your image of yourself and the whole idea in general, whether between yourself and another person or between yourself and millions.
cauterized is to deaden feelings or morals. in general terms a litmus test is a test in which only factor determines the outcome (it has a political meaning too and one relating to science but the are not really relavent). pretty much self-explanatory from here on out.
I think Camarue hit it on the nail.
i dont think this song is about a girl, its about scott and his lack of success in the music biz so far. the reference to eddie vedder is saying that people might like his music better if he was eddie vedder, and the bit about friends means he's disappointed with himself and doesnt want to be his own friend. nobody knows who he is so hes good as dead
why's this song called eddie vedder?
The line about Eddie Vedder isn't a cheap shot, it's basically saying "if I was this guy, would you like me more?" It's exactly what it says on the tin so to speak.
The whole song is basically just the character expressing his "defeat". Possibly in relation to a girl, or maybe just to the people he meets on a daily basis.
This is such a cool song. I feel like it is talking about a woman who led him on and then dropped him like nothing for someone else. She is emotionally dead (quarters on the eyes) and perhaps numbed as a habitual drug user (failing her litmus test). He sacrificed himself for her and she rejected him. "Turnabout's fair play" is a pun, but refers to a sudden change of heart. She knew all along what she was putting him through, (suffering a fool), but didn't care. She is as good as dead to him. Eddie Vedder was popular at the time and rhymes with better yet maybe alludes to being dumped for someone else.