PS: this song has the most amazing outro ever
this song just reminds me of that one person you'd do anything for and forgive no matter what. that one person you could be with and feel as if the 'snow falls down' and 'melts before it even hits the ground'.
'i'm standing here listening to the sound of your hand washing back and forth across my filthy heart'
that line makes me think of the way that when you are with them, you swear you can hear both of your hearts beating in that one moment, almost synchronized.
'and i don't know if i should say "i'm sorry" or "thank you" i try to speak but the tears choke the words'
whether you're reconciling, or meeting that one person for the first time, you know sometimes you feel something beyond the most intense gratification. it's something that you can't apologize or thank for. you cry just because of the way you're getting hit in the face with emotions you probably never knew about before and well, there's nothing you feel that is worth saying.
'and i think i finally know what they mean when they talk about joy'
that last line just makes me think of the way that no matter what may be happening in your life, being with that one person, just being together, doing whatever, is a feeling unparalleled to any other. it's almost as if you 'finally know what they mean when they talk about joy'.
means rejection... like what Dani did to me rejected me... life goes on without you...=~~
the hard heart finally being opened
just to back up what I said earlier..Chris Simpson said this in an inverview:
“I’ve definitely decided that I don’t believe the things I’m supposedly supposed to believe to go around calling myself a Christian – not that I don’t believe any of it – it’s just something I’m not really comfortable with (identifying) who I am. I’m constantly meeting people who are drawn to that aspect of Mineral and to some degree – the Gloria Record. It’s almost like I end up feeling bad because there are a lot of Christian kids out there who were very influenced by Mineral and the lyrics. They feel like I was trying to be some sort of flag-bearer for Christianity by writing that way, which was never my intention."
there you have it. take these songs however you want, but just keep that in mind.
if you were wondering that quote's from
Mineral's songs always seemed to easily translate to a Christian perspective for me (and yes, I'm a Christian), however, for the most part, they avoid any direct mention and hint more at ideas and notions associated with Christianity. Take Mineral from whatever perspective you like though, your interpretation is every bit as valid as any one else's. At very least I would say Mineral seemed like a "spiritual" band.
"i think i finally know what they mean when they talk about joy" beautiful song.
I gotta agree with Ghost... I've listened to a lot of music but there's something about the last 2 minutes of this song that's just unbelievable. Especially when the guitar at the end comes in really distorted.
how about the anti-Christians believe it's about it's about rejection and the Christians believe it's about Christ?
would that be too taxing?
this song has always been about forgiveness, to me. forgiveness, and like startoutyoung said, "the hard heart finally being opened"; like a new awakening after being forgiven. like love. not necessarily anything at all having to do with christianity, though. favorite line "and i think i finally know what they mean when they talk about joy". and YEAH the outro could be a song in it's own, i think: it's that good.
i totally agree with Ghost33.