18 Meanings
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The Last Word Is Rejoice Lyrics

How will I drink from that stream
How will my heart sing your praise
How will I lay down in green grass fields
When my soul is so afraid to

Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
18 Meanings
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This song makes me cry almost every time I hear it. So much emotion, it just overwhelms me.

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this song translates all of my worries in this moment. Is my sou afraid to rejoice?¿

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absolutely! this song challenges my deepest fears that i am afraid and unable to rejoice anymore.

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This song doesn't affect me in anyway other than sounding very pretty and reminding me of the video game for pagemaster, when the elf asks you to lie down in the cool grass and you fall asleep and lose. ..Seeing as how I haven't played that game in probably 8 years I guess that' effective.

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only 5 comments for this song? geez... this song makes me want to cry everytime i hear it...i dont know what it is, but something about the emotion in the song makes me want to cry.

i see this song as either very spiritual or a very romantic song, it can be taken either way to me.

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I always look at this song as Chris Simpson saying that he wants to move on and do what he wants and that he may have doubt about it but in the end it is what he wants to do. I feel that he is pursusing his dream in a sense. I always see it as a follow on to Take the Picture Now aswell but that might just be because of the grass thing.

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I always look at this song as Chris Simpson saying that he wants to move on and do what he wants and that he may have doubt about it but in the end it is what he wants to do. I feel that he is pursusing his dream in a sense. I always see it as a follow on to Take the Picture Now aswell but that might just be because of the grass thing.

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this song for sure about when you are afriad to praise God cause your so upset. Then Chris is saying dont be afriad, rejoice and praise His name. Its much like my friends band Luke. They are just like a mineral band. if you guys wanna check him out lukemusic.com sorry it seemed like an adverstisement. but any fan of mineral would like him.

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i'll say this for the (many)th time. mineral is NOT intentionally a christian band. many of their lyrics can be interpreted as christian, and that's great. it's just not the intended meaning.

i myself am a christian and i think that if mineral were a christian band, they would have the best and most true christian lyrics out there.

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