12 Meanings
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Waking to Winter Lyrics

In winter when the air gets cold
And breathing causes white ghosts to appear

They light up the city with Christmas trees
And strings that hang across the street
From telephone pole to telephone pole

So that when I'm driving home at night
Tired frustrated and pinned down by spite
I'm reminded of your love
Unlike these things will never change
Or fade or pass away
Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
12 Meanings
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Like all Mineral songs, this song is a metaphorical masterpiece. It's simple word-wise, which is what makes mineral so wonderful. They define the phrase 'simple, yet elegant'. I believe this song is about what it says its about. It's about seeing how happy the world is around you- how perfectly everyone else's lives are comming along and yet you feel lost. Until, you remember, that you have one thing that one change like the seasons or the holidays- something eternally great that few have- someone to love and be loved by. It's a simple song of realizing that even the strongest feelings of melancholy pale in the light of love.

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I loved this song for 6 years before I realized he was singing about Christ. It took a couple more years to realize just how many Mineral songs are about the asme topic.

My favorite part about Mineral's songwriting is that it can be personal, regardless of you particular religious affiliation. As an atheist teenager, I pictured my father.

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ofcourse he's singing about jesus.

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twenty years later still haunting still amazing

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maybe they're talking about the sadness feeling that eats you in the winter...maybe not.

who knows?

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I'm thinking it's about the monotonous, depressing feeling of winter time months, and a few times throughout the album this song is on, there is religious references and things and talk about god, jesus, etc..so maybe the "I'm reminded of your love, unlike these things will never change, or fade or pass away"

But personally, i'd like to interpret it as someone in a relationship, like what sean7711 said.

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I think this song is just a very descriptive metaphor about how this girl's love is very steady. I like the usage of winter images.

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i think its about finding something steady in your life when that phase of "winter depression" hits you. i know all the time in the winter i just get tired and a little more sad, and i think something steady is all i need to make it to spring. in this case, i guess it's a girl

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this song is actually called "Waking to Winter"

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i think that these lyrics don't need a whole lot of analyzation. i think that it's pretty simple. he is going through seasonal depression and is caught up in the commercialism and routine and presents, et cetera of christmas, and then he remembers that it is about christ's birth and how his love will never change.

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