10 Meanings
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F Lyrics

who you calling a faggot?
yo yo - yo yo - when you out gay-bashing
i'm gonna be at your house fucking your girlfriend...
in the ass
10 Meanings
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the whole album is in alphabetical order, so this comes right before the song faggot. I'm pretty sure he might have said this before performing that song live, and all the one-letter songs were given those letters just because it'd mean they'd appear in a certain part of the album.

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LoL that's hilarious....disturbing...but hilarious

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I'll be dude's gf if it can get me any kind of action with little jimmy urine, even anal, who fucking cares

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a more entertaining way to defend the gay

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god jimmy is so sexy......... i totally agree with little jimmy's whore......maby we could have a 3 sum?!?!?!?! though when you go to sleep i'll kidnap him and lock you in a closet then he will be all mine.....but i'll leave you some pudding and a porno untill i get back :)

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this relates back to my comment on 'faggot'. if a guyy want to go and be a jerk by fag-bashing homosexuals then he'll so him by doing his girlfriend; and in what better wayy then the way the guys objecting, in the ass =]

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God, jimmy's the shit. This sound like something my friend bucci would say, though. "in the ass"... that's just so god damn funny.

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I love the pause before 'in the ass!'

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this is so funny. jimmy has the best come backs ever. EVER. ha. no but seriously its funny cuz the guy would go gay bashing and jimmy would fuck his girlfriend the way gays fuck each other thats the irony. jimmy is the greatest.

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