Dicks Are For My Friends Lyrics

dicks are for my friends when they come to my house
i said dicks are for my friends when they come to my house
dicks are for my friends - they're for my friends
they're for my friends
dicks! friends!

dicks are for my friends when they come to my house
i said dicks are for my friends when they come to my house
dicks are for my friends - they're for my friends
they're for my friends
dicks! friends! my house!
dicks! friends!
42 Meanings
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I think what Jimmy's trying to say in this song is that dicks are for his friends.

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Well nobody actually spewed that. And when you consider that the song consists of only one actual sentence, i don't think it really needs an in-depth explanation. It's not T.S.-fucking-Elliot here.

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This song is creepy-funny, it's is well... Interesting (ya, there's the word for it lol), I think this song is about that he is gay... and, well... uhhhhh... Invites his guy friends over to his house and then they all do it...

Excuse me while I go throw up...

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from England?.. They're said to be New York Based, and whenever i hear them talk in a song its usually in an american accent.. Except that awesome london accent at the end of La-Di-Da-Di

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I sense no sarcasm, only dicks.

I mean, what.

also: lol what do you think it means hey guys hey I think it's about the fall of the berlin wall. I hold this to be selfevident, and therefore give you no explanation. Discuss.

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I don't think they have to be gay or anything for this, I think it's a random sentence thrown out in the dark that they decided to make a song about. Just to disturb all the homophobic listeners.

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The very best MSI song...needs no comments

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This band > MTV

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no this band should never be on MTV. They are my music i don't want them to fall victim to the evil pop. keep real music alive go underground.

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DUH! EspherMercury was saying:

This Band > MTV.

Which is: This Band is Greater Than Mtv.


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