9 Meanings
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One Lyrics

I am the biggest hypocrite
I've been undeniably jealous
I have been loud and pretentious
I have been utterly threatened
I've gotten candy for my self-interest
the sexy treadmill capitalist
heaven forbid i be criticized
heaven forbid i be ignored

i have abused my power forgive me
you mean we actually are all one
one one one one one one one
i've been out of reach and separatist
heaven forbid average (whatever average means)
i have been compensated for my days
of powerlessness

i have abused my so-called power forgive me
you mean we actually are all one
one one one one one one one

did you just call her amazing?
surely we both can't be amazing!
and give up my hard earned status
as fabulous freak of nature?

I have abused my power forgive me
you mean we actually are all one
one one one one one one one
always looked good on paper
sounded good in theory
Song Info
Submitted by
lamia On Dec 06, 2001
9 Meanings
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Man... and his relationship with mother earth... You mean we actualy are all one?

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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is another one of Alanis's songs that hit me hard. To me it sounds as if this is a person who is very insicure (mind the spelling) about them selves and some how tries to make themselves supiriour (again mind the spelling) to others. but then they realize they cant and that we all are alike we all are human, we all are one +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jaydee

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this song is great... she sounds so sad as she sings "i have abused my power forgive me ", I get shivers every time I listen to it.
I think it's maybe talking about her earlier days in the music business, when she was a "sexy treadmill capitalist", maybe she thinks she sold out or wasn't true enough to herself. Personally I think she was and is a lot more real than a lot of artists out there, Alanis rocks!!

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i love this song

it just saying that we are all one. all the feelings she feels, hyprocite, jelousy pretentios ,critized ignored..... these are feeling that everyone has, we are all the same.

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jesus christ, never have the lyrics of a song spoke to me like this one. this song = my life although i hate to admit it. alanis > god

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This song is all about the current generation. The self-involved, narcissistic, society-honored Me generation. Its about wanting to be unique, wanting to be special, not allowing anyone else besides yourself be called "Amazing". Its basic human id-ness she's singing about here.

Its amazing how Alanis voices the sentiments of a world built on self-interest. Lovely.

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Al's capacity to illuminate the struggle between the overly narcissistic contaminations of her histrionic (attention-needing, chaotic, dramatic) early life and her more mature awareness of it along with her powerful need to inform the few who can understand her never ceases to amaze. She was 24 when she wrote this. =24=.

One person in tens of thousands will ever get close to this level of self-grasp, and only one in a thousand or so will be able to understand it. But she soldiers on for the sake of those who can.

This stuff sails right over the heads of most who worship this 20th Century incarnation of Parvati, of course. But I have seen audiences (like those in San Francisco) filled with an unusually large number of people who =do= seem to "get" her.

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I came here to look for answers if my thoughts of the meaning of this song were right but reading everything written here made me even more confused haha.

My interpretation is what she's in a monogamous relationship and she's gotten mad/jealous at her partner for showing interest in another person, "Did you just call her amazing? Surely we both can't be amazing!" but she feels like a hypocrite because she has thought of other people before,"I've gotten candy for my self-interest" therefore in the end we actually are all just one and all our thought's are going to be individual and nothing will stop that.

I may be completely wrong. hahaha.

My Interpretation
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A lot of this album has to do with Alanis dealing with her fame (like "Can't Not" is about dealing with people who complained that she isn't a good singer, the contrarians who put down someone after they become popular). In this song, she admits to being jealous when the media gushes about another female pop star as if, by doing so, it means she would be less acclaimed -- but then realizes that they both can be well-loved singers and she doesn't have to feel threatened because someone else gets attention for producing a similar album (I don't know which singer she is singing about but my guess is Tori Amos, whom she'd later go on tour with).

My Interpretation
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