24 Meanings
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Baba Lyrics

I've seen them kneel
with baited breath for their rituals
I've watched this experience raise
them to pseudo higher levels
I've watched them leave their families
in pursuit of your nirvana
I've seen them coming to line up
from switzerland and america

How long will this take, Baba?
How long have we been sleeping?
Do you see me hanging onto every word you say?
How soon will I be holy?
How much will this cost, guru?
How much longer till you completely absolve me?

I''ve seen them give their drugs up
in place of makeshift altars
I've heard them chanting
kali kali frantically
I've heard them rotely repeat your
teachings with elitism
I've seen them boasting robes and
foreign sandalwood beads
I've seen men overlooking god in
their own essence
I've seen their upward glances
in hopes of instant salvation
I've seen their righteousness
mixed without loving compassion
I've watched you smile
as the students bow to kiss your feet

give me strength all knowing one
how long 'til enlightenment?
How much longer 'til you
completely absolve me?

Song Info
Submitted by
lamia On Dec 06, 2001
24 Meanings
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Baba is a person in India who claims to be God reincarnate.

Many of his exfollowers say that he molested them and that while they were under the "mindcontrol" of Baba, they fooled themselves to think they were happy,when they were miserable.

i believe this is total sarcasm "How long will this take Baba?" It's like... "Okay... I'm waiting..."

"How much will this cost, Guru?" She's saying "how much money do you want for me to achieve Nirvana?"

I believe this song isn't anti-religious, just anti-insanity

@sadistlitlePuppy Yeah, it's just about fake spiritual gurus and the money and silly rituals they do and the people who don't get it anyway and are just hoping to pay for enlightenment, am I there yet, how many more hours until I am wise, guru?

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i don't think it's about atheism in itself, but more about the hypocrisy of so-called "devoted" people

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I was thinking maybe it's about cults?

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The extreme acesticism of Hinduism and Buddhism. Alanis is definately not an atheist in my opinion. She sings a lot about spirituality. Mostly hinduism it seems. Baba is a spiritual guru and leader that is or was practicing in California. She is talking to him saying how long does it take to achieve enlightenment? Do i have to follow evey rule and even the ones who do seem to be mechanical and ritualistic. They don't seem to be good people. What are they aiming for? Do she have to go to these extreems to achieve liberations, and even the people who do seem to be blindly worshipping, and leaving their families all waiting to be "absolved". i can relate to this one. Do i have to be isolated in a temple away from my wordly possessions to achieve liberation!!!

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This song is hardly ideal for an atheist. It doesn't criticize religion in general, but it does criticize the perversion of religious cults. Alanis is a spiritual person, so she wouldn't sarcastically insult any religion or religious person. Fathers abandoning their families in order to achieve nirvana, blindly worshiping and forking over money. This song pays no tribute to Christianity or any other religion besides Hinduism and Buddhism. Simple: money cannot buy you salvation. You should seek after God. No man on Earth is comparable to God. Giving into the fear of man gets you nowhere.

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This song, i believe, is about a prophet of sorts, and his interaction with the community from a cynic's point of view.

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A perfect song for an atheist I guess !...I will print it out and give it to my religious education teacher some time ;)

No, not really. It only criticises blind faith and manipulation, not religion in general. It's probably aimed at destructive cults, to be more specific.

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i always thought it woz about like buddists and all that when she woz india or somethin'. and about being enlightened and reaching nirvana "how long will baba?" who's baba though?

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this song could very well be aimed at any religious leader, but it bears a striking resemblance to <a href="vclass.mtsac.edu/dlane/saidebates.htm">Sai Baba</a>. Basically a critique on blind faith, and the people who search for this "instant salvation."

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