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Call Me A Fool Lyrics

I can't believe I finally found
the key, the door, the trip
it was all in my mind
now I'm one with the fools of love
I can't believe I finally found
the prisoner, the free man
were all in my mind
now I'm one with the fools of love

these fools of love are misunderstood
their history is with me now

I can't believe my core was shaken
I gave up the ghost of everything I was before
now I'm one with the fools of love

the fools of love are misunderstood
the mystery is with me now

so call me a fool
call me a fool
call me a fool

I can't believe my dream is over
I woke up this morning with nothing but light in my eyes
now I'm one with the fools of love
I can't believe the key, the door,
the clouds that blocked the sun
they were all in my mind
now I'm one with the fools of love

and these fools of love are misunderstood
their history is with me now

so call me fool
call me a fool
call me a fool

the fools of love are misunderstood
the mystery is with me now
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10 Meanings

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Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

It's about Buddhist awakening :)

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

So let guess who some of the fools of love may have been:- Gandhi, Siddhartha, Jesus, Mother Teresa, You as well if you want...

Were not talking about religion here its about personal transmutation of self. Lets wake up people the dream is over.

My Interpretation

@bigears007 100% agree, the first time I listened to this song all the way through I realized it was most likely about all the great Masters.... As are many of their songs, (Bring the People Together, They Stood up for Love, Run to the Water also speaks of them).

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

I could be wrong, but this is my interpretation;

He, previously to falling in love, couldn't understand why people gave up so much for love. So much, they gave up who they were before hand, and put their entirety into the relationship\love. Now he has found love himself; "I can't believe I finally found the key, the door, the trip it was all in my mind now I'm one with the fools of love"

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

i think it's about a religious awakening.

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

This is the song that made me connect the dots and realize that V is a journey. A complete story. Perhaps even a play.

The intro is an overture. Or perhaps a proscenium frame. Begins with a childish jealousness and bravado. An illusion of enlightenment. He hears a message he doesn't yet understand or accept in People Like You that is misinterpreted by the ego. He falls into the trap of that misinterpretation in Transmit Your Love. He's become a leader with a popular message and it's so easy to be that person. The false god arises within. Forever May Not Be Long Enough shows this separation between himself and those viewed as his subjects. Don't stop to look at the clock... don't consider the illusion. Revelation of something more occurs here in Call Me A Fool. Flow finds him accepting he is a part of something bigger than himself. The world and the spirit of it, God, is a flow that we're all a part of if we can allow ourselves to perceive it. To surrender to it. He starts to share what he has learned in The Ride. To try to call for a cocoon crash and acceptance of our collective godliness. He tells how easy it can be. His previous life as a false prophet of selfish desires, turned to liberation of mankind. Nobody Knows shows him falling back into old habits for a singular love. Fighting to be both god and man. There is beauty in that love and sacrifice yet it turns him back to him ego for guidance. He struggles to come to terms to what could be in OK. Is this world worth fighting for? Is he worth saving? Has he really embraced love or is it another illusion? He begs for the trap to be taken away, like excess food you don't want to eat after you're full but still can't stop from picking at. Overcome shows such sorrow and joy. Allusions to baptism mix with imagery with a world in crisis. He himself is overcome with the sensation of letting go. He says "I" but there is no ego to that. There is a separation between body and spirit. There is piece in his mind as his body goes through a rebirth. Finally he is the hero of the story revealed in the final song. He can no longer be a leader, but a follower with a message. He travels to share that message and learn what it means for himself. There is no perfection to this man like he once believed. There is a dirty admixture of what he once was and who he has become. He has been left broken by his journey like so many who perceive something greater about this reality. You get the sense this journey that he is on, will never end... But he in turn will inspire as he was in Call Me A Fool.

At least I can see the Jesus Christ Superstar like story going that way...

My Interpretation
Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

I haven't listened to this song as much as the other songs on V because this one honestly didn't appeal to me as much as a few of the others, there are definately worse songs on the album, cuz this one isn't bad at all. It just doesn't have the same Live elements as other live ballads to me. I don't really like the real high pitch in ed's voice, but it grows on you so my rating is 3 out of 5

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

This song kinda grew on me, a gentle, mellow melody... Not the best but not the worst.

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

Well, I like this song and I think mostly bacause the sound of Ed's voice - it really touches my heart :)

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

I am not a big fan of this song, but I believe that it is one of Ed's favorite ones.

Cover art for Call Me A Fool lyrics by Līve

Am I the only one who interprets the reference to the key and the door as an allusion to Lyra's realization near the end of The Amber Spyglass?