9 Meanings
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Thanks For Nothing Lyrics

Give me a break
From your take and your take
Come on and give me a break
What do you want from me
Feeding the rich
With that son of a bitch
Well that son of a bitch
He looks just like me

Thanks for nothing
Absolutely nothing
Thanks for all your bullshit too
Thanks for nothing
Positively nothing

Thanks for everything you didn't do

Something for free
You got something from me
You want something for free
What do you want from me

Give me a break
With your take and your take

Come on and give me a break
What do you want from me
Yea, yea, yea
Yea, yea, yea
9 Meanings
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Im still leaning towards what Cactus said unless im proving wrong =]

Maybe cos ive related like that to someone before, and this song seems to fit perfectly.

And maybe for the "Feeding the rich With that son of a bitch Well that son of a bitch He looks just like me"

Could suggest hes been used in one way or another for others and had no appriciation for his work? Not overly sure, its late and thats what comes to mind ;P

Buttt yeah at the end of the day i think just listen to what FukAuthority said and interprite it your own way.

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It's about being in a relationship where you're always on the giving end, putting a stop to it, then thanking the ungrateful fuck for all they did for you. Nothing.

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i agree to both. this is a song that is purely opinion about how it makes YOU feel.

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the title says it all. but it`s an awesome song

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Nah, I agree with cwsbabygirl. The line "Well that son of a bitch He looks just like me" Gives it away in my opinion.

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Songs about a famioly member possibly his father, or someone in his life who he helps constantly and the person does nothing for him. The line

"Feeding the rich With that son of a bitch Well that son of a bitch He looks just like me"

Probably means that the person he helps has the potential to help themselves just fine but makes Edsel do it so the man doesn't have to waste his time helping himself. So Edsels singing "This son of bitch failure who can barely help himself is letting this rich guy take advantage" So hes saying he looks in the mirror and realizes that son of a bitch looks just like me? It is me. So he ends his relationship with the said person and leaves them with "Thanks for nothing, oh and all your bullshit too"

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the line "feeding the rich" makes me think they could be talking about the government?

like taxes and shit. just a suggestion tho.

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To me this song is about a materialistic girlfriend who is given everything, the singer is identifying himself as a son of a bitch in retrospect for contributing to this in the first place, the girl doesn't realize how good she has it, and doesn't give anything back. So when it's all over he's looking back on it saying thanks for nothing. People get blinded by love. On both sides. Someone could be taking advantage of you and they may not even realize it because they're using money and material things to fill a void in the relationship.

My Interpretation
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No your retard, the song is about looking back on his life, and being a screw up. "He looks just like me" Jesus don't you people read or listen? He's talking about a side of him thats bought out when he's angered.

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