22 Meanings
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World Of Two Lyrics

I don't want to
Hear you whisper
I don't want to orbit
Your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

I don't like to
Hang around you
I don't want to
Live in your world
Of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

It's not that I don't like you
But it's not that I don't love you
It's not that I don't think you are
Two of the most
People in your world

In your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

There's only room for you

In your world of two

In your world of two

There's only room

There's only room

There's only room

For you
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22 Meanings

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Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

I know a couple like this. They have been together for 5 years. They practically live together, they spend the large majority of their lives together. They have a joint bank account...together. I consider them both friends. But I limit my time with them. They seem to share a mind in eachothers' presence. It can be rather annoying at times. John accepts this, (as do I) but he keeps his distance as well.
P.S. The percussion on this song is simple, effective and well-placed, one of the better songs on the album.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

Yeah, most people think this song's another of Cake's broken relationship songs, but if you listen to it, you can see that it's about being around a couple totally absorbed in each other and feeling akward.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

at first i thought it was about being a third wheel, he doesn't like to hang out with them because he's left out and the other two will always put the other first. but i like JustJulie's idea too, that its a two-faced girl.

@orange_rain \r\nI think you\'re dead on about it being a song about being left out because the other two always put each other first. I relate to it as a goodbye song to one of two people who have gotten so absorbed in each other that you no longer have a place with either. While I\'d be willing to bet that the "two" in the song is probably a friend of his who met a girl, the great thing about the song, and what makes it relatable is that it could just as well be about his girlfriend...

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

It's funny to think of it as dating a person with multiple personalities.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

the whole album Comfort Eagle is incredible. Never too much, never too little.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

I keep thinking that this song is about a couple to which one of them is too preoccupied to care about the other person and only themselves. It may be a world of two but there's only room for you. So the focus is mainly aimed at the person that is the dominant in the relationship. While one of them has standards and pet peeves...etc. The other person must adapt and adhere to them, while having no say in the matter. So I think the song is about an extremely selfish significant other, who only thinks about themselves within the relationship.

My Interpretation
Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

A buddy of mine convinced me that this song is about a girl that the writer is in a relationship with, but she keeps trying to push her religion on him, and it is wrecking their relationship.

"I don't want to Hear you whisper I don't want to orbit Your world of two "

  • Could be that he's sick of hearing her make religious comments <praying?> during impractical and rather annoying times, and he's always forced to "orbit" her and god, as opposed to the girl orbiting him. In other words, he wants to be everything to this girl, but she shuts him out for her religon.

"It's not that I don't like you But it's not that I don't love you It's not that I don't think you are Two of the most Perfectly Beautiful People in your world "

  • Basically he loves this chick, and he loves god, but he can't handle the fact that it is getting between their relationship on every level. He wishes that occasionally she would make decisions based on his well-being as opposed to her strict religious views.
Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

Hmm; I think he's insulting a girl he used to date. The lines...."It's not that I don't think you are Two of the most Perfectly Beautiful People in your world".... I think he's saying that she's two-faced & self-absorbed. That's my take on it.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

I think this is about a guy or girl (but just b/c it's easier for me i'll say it's a guy) that's looking at his ex who has now found someone new. His jealousy is taking over him b/c of their past and now he doesn't even want to be friends because of what she did to him. Well that's pretty much the dilemma that I'm facing now. I love how Cake incorporates lyrics along with the trumpet.

Cover art for World Of Two lyrics by Cake

Over the past 6 months since I bought "Comfort Eagle" and listened to this particular song, for some strange reason, I feel the central theme of "World of Two" has to do with observing the behavior of a pair of identical twins. Oddly enough, though, it makes sense--there's countless documentation of how identical twins, for instance, seem to be able to finish one another's sentences, or in certain circumstances, if one twin gets hurt physically, the other can feel the same pain, even when one can be far removed from the other. Throw in a hypothetical situation of the singer/observer as the twins' brother, and his insight becomes (at least to me) fairly valid.