3 Meanings
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Speed Of Light Lyrics

Today is just an other day
of my life too short to live
I should have somekind of meaning
a destiny to believe in
before I go to sleep

I find some pictures of a time
when everything was still so fine
although the years have passed by
I will give it all I have inside...everything

I'm away lost in my thoughts
everyday my life goes by
at the speed of light

By Fistan Majere
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Speed Of Light lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius is so good i love this song, and all the others rock the fuck on

Cover art for Speed Of Light lyrics by Stratovarius

I think this song's meaning is pretty clear. It's about how your life goes by too fast without you even realizing it. I guess the ultra high speed riffs and solo are there to contribute to this feeling.

Cover art for Speed Of Light lyrics by Stratovarius

Not only about your life being too short, it's also about how life isn't clear, like how you have no idea what you're meant to do in it, and all the while you're wondeirng what the hell it is you're meant to be doing, all life does is it just keeps going at the speed of light, never giving you any time to really think.