19 Meanings
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Adam and Eve Lyrics

tonight you stooped to my level
i am your mangy little whore
now you're trying to find your underwear
and then your socks and then the door
and you're trying to find a reason
why you have to leave
but i know it's 'cuz you think you're adam
and you think i'm eve

you rhapsodize about beauty
and my eyes glaze
everything i love is ugly
i mean really, you would be amazed
just do me a favor
it's the least that you can do
just don't treat me like i am
something that happened to you

i am truly sorry about all this

you put a tiny pin prick
in my big red balloon
and as i slowly start to exhale
that's when you leave the room
i did not design this game
i did not name the stakes
i just happen to like apples
and i am not afraid of snakes

i am truly sorry about all this
i envy you your ignorance
i hear that it's bliss

so i let go the ratio
of things said to thing heard
as i leave you to your garden
and the beauty you preferred
and i wonder what of this
will have meaning for you
when you've left it all behind
i guess i'll even wonder
if you even meant it
at the time
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 05, 2001
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

"i just happen to like apples and i am not afraid of snakes" I think this song is about a one night stand or a hook up. She wanted it and he did to, but after it seem like something dirty. And most guys after you have sex with them can treat you like a whore its the double standard and I think thats why she asks him to do her a "favor" and not treat her like that. "i am truly sorry about all this i envy you your ignorance i hear that it's bliss" I think he's ignorant to the fact that they both wanted it and a woman can make a choice to sleep around just as much as a man can his ignorance makes him thinks that he did something wrong by enjoying a night with her. "i guess i'll even wonder if you even meant it at the time " Now that he's acting this way she will wonder if she was just another noch in the belt.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

Makes me think about a brief relationship but the guy is already seeing someone else, and he rationalises it in his own head that SHE tempted him, hence the Eve reference. He leaves her at night and goes back to the other woman, and she feels horrible when he goes, really really cheap. 'Leave you to your garden and the beauty you prefer' - Eden before Eve tempted Adam - he goes back to his partner for good. A real heartbreaker of a song.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

just screaming to this song from the bottom of your gut makes a differences

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

just screaming to this song from the bottom of your gut makes a difference

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

just do me a favor, it's the least that you can do, don't treat me like i am something that happened to you

one of the things i love most about ani, is the fact that she can encompass both anger and love at the same time.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

Another song I sing about/to my ex. especially the "I just happen to like apples and I am not afraid of snakes" and of course the "just do me a favor...." once again, I love Ani.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

wow i love this song. i agree with sara rachel, i like the way ani can encompass anger and love at the same time.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

after someboyd broke up with me and i was still in love with them my best friend suggested that i burn this onto a cd and give it to him, i never had hte strangth to, i wish i had

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

I always saw this song as being about being in love with someone who you also have feelings of hate and such anger for. Like others have said "encompassing both anger and love". Just being so in love with someone who you know degrades and hurts you but who you can't help loving or stop loving anyway.

Cover art for Adam and Eve lyrics by Ani DiFranco

this song makes me feel terrible about being a guy.

i've often wondered if i've ever left a woman like that...not by having sex and saying see you later...but treating them like they meant nothing to me - I really hope not.

i think this song is about a girl finally getting the guy she's always wanted only to realize that she means nothing but sex to him.

he feels dirty & she knows it & she kind of feels bad for making him stoop to her level & get dirty & she thinks it's her own fault that he's dirty now.

i think his ignorance is of pain and suffering. that's what is blissful - he doesn't really have to experience the shit she does. He gets to F&R back to his nice suburban home.