81 Meanings
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Untouchable Face Lyrics

Think I'm going for a walk now
I feel a little unsteady
I don't want no one to follow me
Except maybe you
I could make you happy, you know
If you weren't already
I could do a lot of things
And I do
Tell you the truth, I prefer the worst of you
Too bad you had to have a better half
She's not really my type
But I think you two are forever
And I hate to say it but you're perfect together
So fuck you
And your untouchable face
Fuck you
For existing in the first place
And who am I
That I should be vying for your touch?
Who am I?
Bet you can't even tell me that much
2:30 in the morning
My gas tank will be empty soon
Neon sign on the horizon
Rubbing elbows with the moon
Safe haven of the sleepless
Where the deep fryer's always on
Radio is counting down the top 20 country songs
Out on the porch the fly strip is
Waving like a flag in the wind
You know I really don't look forward
To seeing you again soon
You look like a photograph of yourself
Taken from far, far away
I won't know what to do
I won't know what to say
So fuck you
And your untouchable face
Fuck you
For existing in the first place
And who am I
That I should be vying for your touch?
Who am I?
Bet you can't even tell me that much

See you and I'm so perplexed
What was I thinking?
What will I think of next?
Where can I hide?
In the back room there's a lamp
That hangs over the pool table
And when the fan is on it swings
Gently side to side
There's a changing constellation
Of balls as we are playing
I see Orion and say nothing
The only thing I can think of saying
Is fuck you
And your untouchable face
Fuck you
For existing in the first place
And who am I
That I should be vying for your touch?
Who am I?
Bet you can't even tell me that much
Song Info
Submitted by
aur0ra On Dec 04, 2001
81 Meanings
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I think everyone knows what it's like to want someone so badly but you can't have that someone. It really makes you hate yourself in certain ways and hate the object of your affection as well. You hate yourself for not having what he or she wants which causes you to hate that person for not wanting you which again causes you to hate yourself. Its a really terrible cycle, Ani describes it percectly...

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i could rant about the ingeniousness of ani forever. im obsessed. example:

"tell you the truth i prefer the worst of you too bad you had to have a better half" it's great because it speaks to the level of how much easier it would be to get over that person if you could only see the bad, but the better part is always what comes up (the whole thing of "an idea" of a person rather than seeing them for who they are) AND on the level of "a better half" being the name for your signifigant other (the girl her ex is dating.) wahhh. i also love her music because in our world you're not supposed to express feeling in everyday life, just get over things and move on. you feel like a looser if you have feelings. i turned on this song after meeting an x's gf and it was so wonderful to have someone share your situation and feelings and display them so openly ... and its all ok cause its music.

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I think everyone who reviewed this song is female, but most guys have been in the same situation; whether it's referring to seeing your ex again and still wanting them despite hating them, or if it's referring to someone you want to be with except they're happily with someone else. Everyone can relate; very cool song.

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It has gotta be about loving someone already in a relationship. I am in the same situation. It's about knowing how happy they are, but having so much desire to be with them and make them happy yourself. Fuck you is said in the essence, not of abuse, just more exasperation that she can't have them (that they're taken). And that she wants to see them again but she doesn't look forward to it because it's just flaunting what she can't have.

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Seems everyone's under the assumption she's talking about a guy. It could easily be about another girl as she is Bi, you know. And the lyric "she's not really my type" lends weight to that.

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Love this song. So much.

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this is an amazing song. i always listen to it on the road. :D

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Definitely an excellent road song. I was introduced to this one, as it was a dedication to me. What should i think of that? :)

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i love this song. the way she juxtaposes her feelings is perfect. she wants to be happy, but she can't help but still want them. I don't know that feeling!!! ;)

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this is defenitly a LOVE/HATE song you hate them because you love them...i love it!

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