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Little Fish Lyrics

The first time was long ago
It first hurt then I began to roll
The last time was an hour or so
It’s that time and I wanna go
I’ve seen inside of me
This side is everything
I’ve seen and I’m gonna be
Fuck rehability
I’m sick or so you say
Live life just for today
It’s my life don’t fuck with me
Don’t tell me what you think
I don’t need it

When I was a little fish
I would swim through all of this

One time ‘bout a year ago
I flat lined but I didn’t go
I came late but I made the show
If I didn’t tell you, you’d of never known
I’ve seen so much of thee
Governments hypocrisy
I’ve laughed at all of thee
Suggested remedies
Methadone at seventeen
Left Betty Ford to drink
I’ll trip on anything
Send me to see a shrink
I don’t need it

When I was a little fish
I would swim through all of this

It’s that time I don’t wanna go
Show time after the show
Rather pass out on the floor
Goes along with rock ‘n roll
I’ve seen ‘bout everything
Sex, drugs, sobriety
Been treated for disease
And I’ve pissed off everything
Accuse me of anarchy
I don’t care what you think
I say fuck conformity

I say fuck the U.S.A.- I don’t need it
1 Meaning
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Dope fuckin rocks...this song kicks--obviously about past experinces with being a junkie fave line:

Fuck rehability I’m sick or so you say Live life just for today

how many times have I heard/felt that before..I love the lyrics to this song...and you apples need to comment on this shit! haha ~later

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