Opio Lyrics
hasta que llego a ser sólo existencia
el humo de leche muge lento
extendiendo el sabor del
el que nada hace nada teme
y de terrenal sabrás lo celeste
un oscuro derecho a la delicia
será un sueño o será mentira
las cosas más triviales se
vuelven fundamentales
eliminando los moldes del azar
como se agita el viento sin
escucha mi canto abierto de par
en par
como un animal acosado
bajo el efecto de la adormidera
y el peso de mis pestañas
esquirlas de aire
arcano indrescifrable
en el jardín de mis delicias
pertenezco a la brisa
inhalo la niebla
que flota en el ganges
es aceite de incienso
nos servirá de consuelo
Lyrics for those who speak English:
Opium is the flower of laziness, until I become only existence. The smoke of milk, like lowing cattle, slowly spreading the flavour of the universe. The one who does nothing fears nothing and from the terrestrial you will know the heavens a dark entitlement to what is delightful, will be a dream or a lie.
The most trivial things become fundamental, eliminating patterns of chance. As if the wind is stirred without encouragement listen to my song's disclosures.
Opium is the flower of laziness, until I become only existence. The smoke of milk, like lowing cattle, slowly spreading the flavour of the universe. Huddled in a lair like a besieged animal, worn out by tiredness and the weight of my eyelids.
The most trivial things become fundamental, eliminating patterns of chance. As if the wind is stirred without encouragement listen to my song's disclosures.
Splinters of air, indecipherable arcanum. In my garden of delights I belong to the breeze. I inhale the fog that floats in the Ganges, the oil of incense will be our consolation.
This song is more transparent than glass, especially when you consider the song itself is named "Opium." In case you're a complete dolt, this song is about - what else? - opium and its effects. If this song turns out to be an allegory, I apologize, but I'm pretty sure this song doesn't take much analysis.