6 Meanings
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Things I'm Gonna Do Lyrics

Against the law to talk about the
Rocket in the park I send it
Off to be examined by a
Scientific team
On the Moon on the Moon
On the Moon on the Moon.

I organize a council where the
Prize goes unannounced until there's
In the trees a city, just some
Leaves we left it pretty
Long ago long ago
Long ago Oh so long ago.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

My cave is lit with tiny lights
I climb the stairs and catch the sights
Of other people far below
I've heard of them, they think they know
I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

Every day like Jesus He's not
Up there He can't see us. Maybe
Eyes uplifted slowly for effect
The land below me
Far away far away
Far away Oh so far away.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.
6 Meanings
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I think the writer is taking the view point of a schizophrenic person who wanted to do some great things ("Against the law to talk about the, Rocket in the park I send it, Off to be examined by a, Scientific team"). But no one listens to her "I make no friends. I've got no spark, In my defense, I take apart " so she decides that she wants to destroy something and make what's in her mind a reality: "This is all true I'll make it be. "

@herzelied234 Yesss, I completely agree.

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I was lying awake last night and suddenly thought that "spit in the face of the tried and true one" could mean the victim getting revenge on the "tried and true" criminal, as in catching them and seeing justice.

But still, no idea if this is even close :)

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I'm having some issues pinpointing what this song could be about, but there's definitely some themes of isolation, insanity, and the narrator is likely someone far greater than humanity, or well, is high above the earth (but at the same time they identify with people...)

"On the moon." The moon is high above the earth, far away from everything. "Long ago." Time is a distance, and implies the narrator is old.

"My cave is lit with tiny lights" I think of the space, the tiny lights being distant stars. The rest of the imagery in this stanza also implies vertical distance and isolation from the rest of the world.

I keep coming to the conclusion that this is a song about the man in the moon. "I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking" - half moon, cracked and cratered surface of the moon It's recommended as great for tasting" -cheese tasting

"I make no friends, I've got no spark" -comparison to the sun

I'm not totally bought on this interpretation, though. There's some other parts to the song that are really cool but I can't figure out.

Also, I looked up "tried and true" and it means: reliable, proven to be good, time-tested, worthy. Not sure what that could mean for the song, but it sort of strikes me as a rebellious act, perhaps done out of spite? Maybe the moon is fed up with the sun getting all the attention.

My Interpretation
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AH no one has commented? god damn. alright this song just has great lyrics and imagery. im not sure what it all means but that is okay.

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When I first heard it what I thought about was aliens. "Against the law to talk about the rocket in the park" - Roswell! Well, a crash in the SU would be illegal to talk about. I thought sending it to be examined by a scientific team would refer to sending the alien bodies off. The isolation the narrator experiences ("I make no friends") could be due to them insisting in the truth and having no on believe them. Then they start going a little crazy after being viewed as such for so long. Maybe not though, I think Melora is trying to express something a bit more complicated than the plot of an old scifi movie...

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This may sound particularly far flung, but it could be about rape/some other sort of abuse? The "rocket" in the park could be a violent, important event: "I send it off to be examined by a scientific team on the moon" - "it" could be referring to an object involved in the incident or the victim? "On the moon" - a place far away that the victim sees as strange and isolating.

"I organize a council" - to find the criminal? "Where the prize goes unannounced" - the prize doesn't have to be verbalised, they're just trying to find the man. "Until there's in the trees a city" - some sort of trap to catch him? "We left it pretty long ago" - a long time ago the place was just a pretty place with some leaves, in the park, now it is the scene of a horrific crime.

The chorus is from the perspective of the victim whose mind is "cracked and breaking". The "tasting" is alluding to the rape/abuse - "its reccomended as great for tasting". "Spit in the face of the tried and true one" - again alluding to the abuse. Since the victim has been abused, they grow up to reflect this - "these are things that I'm gonna do." As in, the victim will grow up to abuse someone else, or they think that they will.

"My cave" and "Other people far below" - the victim feels isolated. "I've heard of them, they think they know" - No-one really understands the victim's complicated feelings, or maybe no-one actually knows what happened? Thats why its "against the law" to talk about it.

"I make no friends, I've got no spark" - the victim feels ruined after the abuse, and is unable to interact socially. "In my defence, I take apart what's put together easily" - the victims only strength and talent lies in destruction, further showing that when they grow up they will become the abuser ("these are things that I'm gonna do"). "This is all true, I'll make it be" - again, no-one knows about the event, they are trying to convince someone?

Anyways, this is just an idea ;)

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