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F/D Lyrics

son of a gun and knife and bomb
son of a bitch earned every stitch
son of a father's son
yes i know i'm one
now it's time to pull the switch
touch with your eyes
drool with my eyes
touch with your mind
drool with my mind touch
with your eyes
drool with my eyes
touch with my mind
drool with your eyes
pornsmanship and sales filtrate
shoulder blades and things concave
and every smile that marks a lie
dressed in silk and flavored milk
bred in bone and finely honed
to always sell what we can't own
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Cover art for F/D lyrics by Fugazi

I can't believe no one's commented this song yet, it's one of their best.

I think that the song could be about how badly patriarchal society treats women. It makes several references to exploitation and macho one-track-mindedness, but the line "to always sell what we can't own" implies that in general women are far less bound than men because they still have their dignity intact. I don't really know what to make of the first bit of the song, but I don't think that it is connected directly to the main part. Perhaps a reference to how children grow up taking on their parent's behavior until they either do something extreme or someone breaks the cycle?