13 Meanings
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Anti-Pop Lyrics

(Add some do do do do sounds in there too)

Let's get the party started
All born to stay up late
No one gets out of this one
No one gets out of this

Got a life from life on TV
Two eyes that stay in my skull
Long enough to start to believe
If you give it up they'll love you for it
Give them blood and they'll love you for it

You're not my girl
You're just tired

Let's get the party started
All born to stay up late
No one gets out of this one
No one gets out of this

You're not my girl
You're just tired

Give it up and they'll love you for it
Give them blood and they'll love you for it

You're not my girl
You're just tired
Song Info
Submitted by
icy_fire On Dec 03, 2001
13 Meanings
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The Video for this song is great. There was a short story called "wish you were here" where this guy takes this lawn gnome around the world and takes pictures of it with famous landmarks. A while ago, there was a news story of someone who did the same thing.

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Man the video and lyrics made noooo sense to me. Specially the verse "Your not my girl, your just tired"??? Can someone explain pls.

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Sugar Jones, he is basically talking about all those bands that were made by the media as part of some scheme to make someone rich. "your not my girl, your just tired" to me mean that you don't like me, your just following the herd because that is what society is telling you what to do, or something close to that.

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I especially like the "Got a life from life on TV". So many people don't try to be themselves, they act out what they see on all the MTV shows, and they just become completely brainless.

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by NtoTheDrk on 04-27-2002 @ 07:51:17 PM
The Video for this song is great. There was a short story called "wish you were here" where this guy takes this lawn gnome around the world and takes pictures of it with famous landmarks. A while ago, there was a news story of someone who did the same thing.

---they do the same thing in Amelie from Montemarte, a french film...

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Total and thorough indictment of the unwashed masses as well as mainstream music. Mostly the latter, but the former's in there in the first pre-chorus ("Got a life from life on TV/Two eyes that stay in my skull/Long enough to start to believe") but then that switches to criticizing the people for wanting all of you ("give them blood and they'll love you for it").

The main thing about this song's that it lives up to the name. Complete backhanding of the pop formula, lyrically (he does start with "let's get the party started", people) and no, it's not a love song, as evidenced by the chorus. No sweetness in this one.

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This song is the best! I love the contrasting lyrics from the verse/pre chorus to the chorus itself. 'Let's get the party started/all born to stay up late/no one gets out of this one....and the chorus contradicts by saying 'You're not my girl, you're just tired' I just love it.

I also figured this song could be about a girl you'd meet that you like and everything, but you still have a girlfriend back home, or basically not near you, and much as you wouldn't want to cheat on her, you can't help but admire this new girl as you want to.

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Wow. I totally missed the meaning of the song, so it's good to read the interpretations of everyone.

I'd hate to completely miss the point of Anti-Pop, but I actually like it as a love song. My initial interpretation of the song was as such. I thought the 'Give it up/ and they'll love you for it' ect.' lines refered to a girl who was going through a shitty time, and having everyone try to force their opinions on her.

I thought the 'You're not my girl, you're just tired' lines meant, in her confused state, she leans on this guy she knows, and tries to sleep with him to make everything go away. But he knows it's wrong to sleep with her in those circumstances, so he admits 'You're not my girl, you're just in a shitty spot and need a friend.'

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Honestly, the chorus, to me, has always sounded as if it were trying to tell about a drunk girl who's basically trying to get in his pants.

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Think Anti-Pop for this one. Right from the name.

This entire song is a really artsy take on pop culture right now, with not a breath wasted.

The "Do do do, do do do" tones in the beginning are simple and catchy, without any real substance. Completely repetitive. Just like popular music right about now.

The first verse is about the party life and how everyone sort of just gets sucked into it now because it's the "cool" thing to do.

The lead into the chorus details how when you watch enough MTV (or similar channels) for long enough, you begin to believe in what they are and what they represent, until you'll give them the whole of your being essentially, doing whatever they want and playing right into their hands.

"You're not my girl, you're just tired" follows the party atmosphere idea, with a random girl trying to get in some guy's pants and pretending it means something. Ultimately though, in the morning it's going to be forgotten either way and none of it will matter. This ties the whole song together, because no matter what an artist does in this day and age, their popularity is just a passing thing which will soon be forgotten shortly after.

Given that I can't recall the last time I've heard anything about Matt Good on the mainstream levels, I suppose this was strangely prophetic, huh?

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