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Dear Justice Letter Lyrics

justice brennan, take out some insurance on me, baby baby. it's just the i'm busted and dripping, my sorry lungs are all leaking, it's all over, it's all over i said, the last fair deal going down. you let your gown to the ground, but i'm not waiting around until the kiss-off. wasn't it you who said yeah you can shoot me lightly, but ask me to be excused, i won't go die politely anytime that you want you can shoot me lightly, but ask me to be excused, i won't go die politely. justice brennan, i know it's not your fault, no baby no baby. it's just that you're busted and dripping, your sorry lungs are all leaking, it's not over, it's not over, i said. here comes the kiss-off.
3 Meanings
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Another pretty obvious one. It's a letter to former Supreme Court Justice William Brennan complaining about the ultra-conservative lineup Reagan & Bush had appointed after Brennan retired.

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When I first heard this song, I had no idea who "Justice Brennan" was; and I figured, given the treatment he gets in these lyrics, that he was an a-hole.

I've since learned that William Brennan was the Antonin Scalia of his day, only on the other side. And so now, I'm troubled by these lyrics. Is Picciotto really condemning a man who did so much good for his country for retiring?

Also, what's meant by "shoot me lightly"? I'm fairly certain Brennan never uttered those words.

...brennan just retired and guy doesn't want to see him to go.

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Guy Picciotto addresses “Dear Justice Letter” to famed liberal Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, bemoaning the fact that the great judge had retired the previous year, leaving the Court stacked with conservative Reagan/Bush–era appointees.

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