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Sieve-Fisted Find Lyrics

here comes another problem all wrapped up in solution it's ugly as it's strapped on and twice as hard to get behind another sieve-fisted find lost, lost again. please, please let me get my hands on it. here comes that self-same problem all stalled on same self again it's as ugly as the last one and twice as far from unwound by this charged head standing on this thin base of neck and now i'm pushing past the red i said i'm pushing past the red. another sieve-fisted find lost, lost again
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Sieve-Fisted Find lyrics by Fugazi

This is about heroin addiction

"strapped on"=strap used to tie the arm "please let me get my hands on it"=the drug "as ugly as the last one and twice as far from unwound"=the junkie's tolerance for drugs builds up and he needs twice as much of it to get the same high "pushing past the red"=shooting up into an artery b/c all the veins are bad

Cover art for Sieve-Fisted Find lyrics by Fugazi

pushing past the red sounds like cutting yourself to the bone to see the white or just any other colors besides red.

Cover art for Sieve-Fisted Find lyrics by Fugazi

yeah it does sound like it's about addiction although i think some of this language may be more metaphorical. mostly pretty straightforward though. "please let me get my hands on it" fits with the title, where the fear is that the drug you need so badly is going to run through your fingers (like a sieve) no matter how hard you try to cling to it...

"pushing past the red" might also refer to how--in many contexts--this phrase means approaching or going further than the danger zone. such as the red wedge next to the higher RPMs on a tachometer, or the red warning lights on audio equipment when the level is so high that the recording will be distorted (there are probably many other examples like these; you see gauges going "past the red" in movies a lot...)

Cover art for Sieve-Fisted Find lyrics by Fugazi

Maybe it has to do with marketing gimmicks, such as creating a problem and offering a solution (I believe it's called unique positioning). You think you're purchasing a solution, but it's a solution to a fake problem so you haven't gained anything.