10 Meanings
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Repeater Lyrics

You say I need a job
I've got my own business
You wanna know what I do?
None of your fucking business
But now I'm lying here
And I'm knowing that business
I had a name, now I'm a number

1,2,3, repeater
1,2,3, repeater

Down by law
I've got this nasty habit
When I need something
I just reach out and grab it
Once upon a time, I had a name, I had a way
But to you
I'm nothing but a number

1,2,3, repeater
1,2,3, repeater

You hear something outside?
It sounds like a gun
Stay away from that window, boy
It's not anyone that we know
Only about ourselves and
What we read in the paper
Don't you know ink washes out
Easier than blood?
But we don't have to try it
And we don't have to buy it
So decide, decide, decide, decide

1,2,3, go
10 Meanings
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yeh repeater +3 is still the best album even though its over 10 years old

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one word: nice

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Repeater and 13 Songs are both good all the way through . It is about not becoming part of the nameless and faceless society around us.

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brilliant song, I can always find a mood to listen to it and not want to switch it off.

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the prison system, how we treat repeat offenders..."now im a number" "i just reach out and grab it" "you saw i need a job"....etc...

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opps typo....saw=say

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I think this is about the crack war in DC. Repeater is a reference to a gun. Furthermore, "ink washes out easier than blood" is likely a stab at the press' exploitation of the situation.

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I think it's more about gangs and gang violence and people who are in gangs are just statistics to the system. I think the last part is about how the media exploits gang violence for fear mongering purposes(Fox News would probably be the obvious example.)

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The title Repeater is a play on The Beatles' album Revolver. Instead of revolution we have repetition.

@Jack Pine @hinthint

Interesting thoughts on the title referring to the Beatles from Jack Pine and a gun from hinthint.

I always interpreted the song as about the prison system, as others have mentioned and assumed that "Repeater" was a reference to repeat offenders. And the "1,2,3" part either refers to the revolving door of a prison system with a a sky-high recidivism rate, or (2) the three-strikes laws that have been proven to be utter failures (and struck down by the Supreme Court last year for good measure).

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The lyric "dont you know ink washes out easier than blood" is [for lack of a better word] rad. Fugazi is a great band more people should listen.

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