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Rust In Peace... Polaris Lyrics

Tremble you weaklings, cower in fear
I am your ruler, land, sea and air
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall
I am a nuclear murderer I am Polaris
Ready to pounce at the touch of a button
My system locked in on military gluttons
I rule on land, air and sea
Pass judgement on humanity
Winds blow from the bowels of hell
Will we give warning, only time will tell
Satan rears his ugly head, to spit into the wind
I spread disease like a dog
Discharge my payload a mile high
Rotten egg air of death wrestles your nostrils
Launch the Polaris, the end doesn't scare us
When will this cease
The warheads will all rust in peace
Bomb shelters filled to the brim
Survival such a silly whim
World leaders sell missiles cheap
Your stomach turns, your flesh creeps

High priest of holocaust, fire from the sea
Nuclear winter spreading disease
The day of final conflict
All pay the price
The third world war
Rapes peace, takes life
Back to the start, talk of the part
When the earth was cold as ice
Total dismay as the sun passed away
And the days where black as night

Eradication of Earth's
Population loves Polaris
20 Meanings
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Kind of a "wake up, this is where we nearly are" kind of message. Never quite got why metal is always supposed to be an evil, ignorant type of music, the people playing it are some of the most politically active around. Guess most people are just too scared to sing about this sort of thing, they just try and skip round the truely important issues, and carry on singing about banging bitches in the back of limosines etc.

@mattxq86 100% acurate comment !

@mattxq86 So true!

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Dave got the idea from a bumper sticker he saw that said "May all your warheads rest in peace" He just kind of ran with it from there and turned it into an awesome anti-nuke song.

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this is about nuclear war and its effects, it also touches on the political side of it and how everyone is ready to go at the touch of a button.

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polaris = 1960s american nuclear missile, on submarines i think.

yep it was a cold war era [Submarine Launched Ballistic Missle]SLBM that was developed by Lockheed corp from 1961 through to '96... Fucking love Mustaine. I always liked the song Peace Sells since i was a young lad but i never took the time to listen to his other great works like the rest of the peace sells album, and now that I've seen him on the Alex Jones show I know he's not amused with Mainstream media. Lately I've been listening on repeat Rust in Peace, Countdown to Extinction, United Abominations and Endgame. Amazing stuff, everyone should listen to...

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Nuclear war...from the missile's point of view.

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This song is so good that even my hip-hop friends headbanged to this. I SPREAD DISEASE LIKE A DOG

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You guys have to remember this song was written just as the Soviet Union was dissolving. Many Americans were still fearful of a nuclear attack by the Soviets. Mustaine is playing on that fear with this song. But it is one of their best. I'll agree with all of you on that.

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Well, certainly a good song, i have 2 different ones, on is easier to understand, dosnt use the deep voice, but the other one sounds better XD Anyhoot, AWSOME SONG Wd>

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Best song off RiP, I think; very underrated. The meaning is quite obvious, kinda related to the rest of the album, about nuclear weapons rusting in peace.

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This song is obviously personification of a nuclear bomb called Polaris. Mustaine uses this technique to paint a picture of a nuclear bomb knowing the chaos it causes, and it enjoys what its doing.

The lyric "I'm a nuclear murderer, I am polaris" stuck in my head for ages. Without one of the best lyrics I've ever heard.

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