186 Meanings
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Aqueous Transmission Lyrics

I'm floating down a river
Oars freed from their homes long ago
Lying face up on the floor
Of my vessel
I marvel at the stars
And feel my heart overflow

Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river

Two weeks without my lover
I'm in this boat alone
Floating down a river named emotion
Will I make it back to shore?
Or drift into the unknown

Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river

I'm building an antenna
Transmissions will be sent
When I am through
Maybe we can meet again
Further down the river
And share what we both discovered
Then revel in the view

Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river
Further down the river

I'm floating down a river (6x then fades)
186 Meanings
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In my humble opinion, Aqueous Transmission is an extension of "Drive" from their "Make Yourself" album. The whole premise of their album "Make Yourself" is that we have the ability to be and have whatever we wish but in order to do so, we must face ourselves, our fears, our doubt and become the person we wish to become! We all have this ability but we don't want to do the work and become that which we want. The song "Drive" is about fear and how fear holds us back and once we realize that fear is made to be faced and dealt with, it's no longer as scary as we once perceived. "Aqueous Transmission" is what happens after we've faced the fear and become that which we want to be. It's the old idea that when you grow spiritually and emotionally, if your partner does not grow with you, you need to move on until your partner grows to where you've grown to so that you can relate at the same level. The song talks about a river. The river is life and everything that comes with it, the oars are that which held him back (his issues), and the vessel is his body. Just floating down the river without his lover because he's shed his ego and now realizes that life will take him wherever it wants to.
Now, here's the payoff. The antenna he talks of building, signifies all that he has learned throughout this journey of growth and the transmission he is sending is him being a teacher to all who want to listen to what he has to teach. He has become a self-realized human being and when he talks about maybe meeting again further down the river he's talking about meeting his lover that he's been without because they are no longer at the same emotional level. If the partner grows and catches up with who he has become, then perhaps they can meet again and teach each other everything they both learned to become emotional giants, hence the lyrics "Maybe we can meet again Further down the river And share what we both discovered Then revel in the view" This song is a metaphor for spiritual and emotional growth. It's beauty not only comes from the instruments but more from the message it is giving us as a gift that we all need to become "more than what we are" and eventually we will all relate at the same level. It's beautiful!

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i made sweet love to my woman while listening to this song. it made it all that more romantic and special.

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I could listen to this song for hours. Really, most people have the same interpretation of this song. I think of it as the old "if you love something, set it free. if it comes back to you, it's meant to be" kind of cliche. Except it means something more when you actually do it. And the emotions that follow are probably harder to deal with than most people realize. To wait and wonder if somebody will come back? Agonizing, I would imagine. You wouldn't be able to say, "This is a test of your love! Come back to me!" No, instead you would send signals that you want your relationship to endure with this person, so that if and when it does, you can look back and revel in the fact that the love between the two of you was and forever will be real.

Opinions differ with each and every person. And that's okay, because it's all about how the listener wants to personalize it.

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In my opinion, this song is simply about floating down a river(life), freely. The first verse describes "letting go" of our oars that had previously been used to steer the boat. It's about being comfortable with where the river is going to take us and appreciating what the "views" everything and anything the river of life gives us.

The second verse, I think, describes the emotional journey associated with "letting go" and leaving the shore and these perceptions of complete control, which in many ways and to many of us, has grown to the point of being our lover.

The final verse, I think, then speaks on this process of growth and how through working on ourselves, then allows us to communicate more efficiently with others, in the hopes of trading ideas and our lessons learned along the way through our journey, since sharing of our experiences and ideas is, in the end, what makes the journey so worthwhile and adds so much to it. Basically, this is Brandon sharing who he is. His story, his philosophy.

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yeah there is someone speaking in spanish, i fell asleep to this song lastnight it was truly lush :)

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i'm pretty sure he's masturbating too...

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Floating down a river… we are all floating down a river, a river with a current that is inevitably constant. It’s not depressing, but beautiful in nature. Race, religion, sexual orientation, income, it doesn’t matter. Every single person on this Earth is all floating down the same river. A river of hope and uncertainty that when our collective lives are over, are searching for the same thing: Self-worth. Is my life worthwhile? For some, self-worth comes when you ascend to Heaven after you die. For some others, it’s reincarnating as a different person based on what you did in your previous life. I’m not saying that everyone needs to go out and be perfect citizens, because that’s not what it’s about either. Whoever or whatever gave us a life to live GAVE us exactly that. YOUR life to live the way YOU want it. The self-worth that you are inevitably searching for will not come if you get perfect A’s in school and make $500,000 a year for the rest of your life. That is a pre-determined, obtuse way of looking at self-worth. As we all paddle our own oar down the river, we will find what we are looking for when we realize that only you can tell yourself that you have led a good life, not a number on your bank statement, or how many cars you have. At least that’s just my way of looking at things.

My Interpretation
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this is such a peaceful song. ive fallen asleep to this several times. the pictures and the feelings that come from this song are just amazing.

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Oh man...Everytime I see Brandon I just start to drool. He's so sexilicious. I'll fight you for him! haha

This is a great song. And yes, like alexeric said, DON'T listen to this song while driving.

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this song is a beautiful masterpiece, unlike most songs on Morning View

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