77 Meanings
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The God That Failed Lyrics

Pride you took
Pride you feel
Pride that you felt when you’d kneel

Not the word
Not the love
Not what you thought from above

It feeds
It grows
It clouds all that you will know

Decide just what you believe

I see faith in your eyes
Never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the god that failed

Find your peace
Find your say
Find the smooth road on your way

Trust you gave
A child to save
Left you cold and him in grave

It feeds
It grows
It clouds all that you will know

Decide just what you believe

I see faith in your eyes
Never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the god that failed

Pride you took
Pride you feel
Pride that you felt when you’d kneel

Trust you gave
A child to save
Left you cold and him in grave

I see faith in your eyes
Never you hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your cries

Broken is the promise, betrayal
The healing hand held back by the deepened nail
Follow the god that failed
77 Meanings
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These lyrics are good! it IS about James' mother who died from cancer because she was a christian scientist and she believed god would heal her and died, but the lyric about "Trust you gave; a child to save; left you cold and him in grave" COULD mean James, that because of his mother's trust in god to heal her and she left him alone when she died and a part of the child that believed in god died in him too... "I hear faith in your cries" explains whilst she cried in pain, she had faith that didn't save her...anyway that's what I think

@UnForGiven A lot of people think this song is just against Christianity, it's not. The "god" of christian science is not the same as the God of actual Christianity, and christian science is a religion while Christianity is not(at least in my Christian opinion.) So the god that failed is not The Lord God of Christianity but the fake idol "god" of christian science.

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About Jaymz's mother who died of cancer when she refused medical attention because she "had faith".

It's not about her, but inspired by her.

@King Nothing Interesting way to spell James lol.

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Its muh-fucking-tallica? what in hell makes you think this is some kind of i love jesus bullshit? this is i hate god because my dipshit parents were christian scientists and wouldn't take me to the doctor when i was sick. they said god would fix it and they were wrong. its like you children picked four lines and used those to interperet the song.

@bassmastajay Christian science is absolutely not the same as Christianity, the "god" of christian science is a fake idol while the God of Christianity is The One True God. So it's not a song about loving God but it's not against it either. It's against the idol "god" of christian science.

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I've been reading everyone's interpretations of the meanings of metallica's songs, and honestly, most of you are so far off the mark you'd put shame to their name!
This song, while it may be reflection of Hetfield's mother's faith, it shows no indication it has any closer connection. The song is about those people in general who put too much faith in god, and refuse to accept the help of technology and science (the healing hand held back by the deepened nail), and the one who was sick ends up dying (the son), thus god, and faith, failed. It's about people relying too much on religion for healing. It's something i feel strongly about too. But i don't think it has any closer connection to Hetfield's particular situation.

it is known that this song is about hetfield's specific siituation, it was mentioned in various interviews, i can find you one if you would like to know more about it, just reply to me if you do!

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Shaz_85 gots a point...Hetfield wrote this song BECAUSE of his mother, but that doesnt mean its specifically ABOUT her.

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this is one of metallicas best tunes, especially lyrically. all you religious nuts on here who don't even listen to metallica need to get a fucking life and stop posting your "jesus saves" crap on here. Music is art, and when you feel something, whether u feel that way all the time or just one moment in your life, it can be worth writing a song about.

Um yeah. Pretty sure that you should just jump off a bridge as well because no one cares. LoL. Weren't you ever taught to get along with everyone? This song is about his Mom's faith, Simple as that; Whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

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the real meanning of the song was about james faith growing up.. his family was in some religion that they did not belive in going to doctor thru the faith of god the body will heal its self. he wasnt even aloud to sit in health class in school cuz in that faith u are not even aloud to lean about the body and how it works cuz it all works thru god.. so he had to leave the class room when it was time for health.. so when his mom died he amade that song about that religion and why its all a lie.. u guys want proof go and get the making of the black album its in the extras. and yes i know im a bad speller.. im a tard i know haha

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Well James Hetfield grew up in an extreme Christian cult called Christian Science which doesn't believe in medicine. Their method of healing is a bit bizarre and kinda makes the other Christians look like nutjobs. They believe in praying that their patient will get better which only happens like 1 out of 100 times. Hetfield's mother died because of the beliefs of that Christian cult so, upon touring in Metallica, he wrote several songs inspired by that depressing experience, including One, The Unforgiven (All three parts) and this song, The God that Failed. It's likely that Hetfield is still a religious Christian, but he most likely left that extreme cult for some of the more accepted Christian sects like Catholicism, Protestantism, Egyptian Orthodoxy, and Russian Orthodoxy.

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Numbskulls! Yeah it may have a small metaphore for james...but the true meaning is about judas who betrayed jesus.." I hear faith in your cries" thats when he realized he screwed. Judas took great pride when he walked with jesus..( first versus) he thought hed be recognized as an "up-standing citizen and get more bitches..sorta-speak...BUT..broken is his promise...betrayal!! The bleeding hands of Christ by the deepened nails... When they say follow the God that failed..he means how people of the world didnt follow him...so he failed. And there is a verse about Mary..who her child , The son of God..literraly, a God is in the grave and her heart is cold. Think that little tidbit should bring yall up ta speed. And go back to Sunday School and learn some shit. Peace

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That wouldn't explain "trust you gave; a child to save; left you cold and him in grave"

I think its about a mother's grief and disbeleif after her Christian Science beleifs prevented her from saving her child.

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