335 Meanings
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Nothing Else Matters Lyrics

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close, no matter how far
It couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know, yeah, yeah

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters
Song Info
Lyrics © Word Collections Publishing
James Alan Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
Submitted by
elmoz On Nov 27, 2001
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335 Meanings

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Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

I read through some of the comments before writing my own opinion of the song's meaningful nature. Some of them were useless and a whole lot'a babble, others were religiously based, which made me want to gague and roll on the floor, and occasionally some good points were mentioned. My interpretation of the song will probably have the same reactions to the ones I'd seen above or worse of ones. So, here I go, I'll try and summerize as best I can!

Nothing Else Matters-Metallica

When I'd first heard this song I was stumped, I didn't know what they were talking about, how could such a melody have lyrics of such dark nature, well, this is how I percieve it after replaying it to the point of having 567 plays on my Itunes:

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Comment: The narrator speaks of a first love, or maybe even a true love after searching many years for him/her (perhaps also a signifacant other).  In love we need to trust, and even more so in ourselves.  The narrator says that in love trust and being true to your heart is all that matters.

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Comment: The narrator is opening himself to him/her like a book, telling secrets and sharing things he/she'd of never imagined sharing.  He/she is having a spur of reality, rebellion even, deciding that their life is their own and that he/she is determined to live it how they want no matter what people say.  Being true to you is all that matters.

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Comment:  The narrator now is finding a sense of belonging and trust in their significant other, learning new things and keeping an open mind towards what's happening.  Being open and willing to change is all that matters.

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Comment: The narrator is accusing people of not caring enough for their actions and shaming them for not using their knoweledge.  He says he knows, something of the reality.  Perhaps a break in the trust? 

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Comment: The narrator repeats himself, obviosuly destressed from some event, telling you that he/she needs to stay true to themselves and rebuild a trust.  Again, he/she says that trust and staying true is all that matters.

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

Comment: Now we know there has been a break somewhere between then and now.  The narrator tells us that they don't care about their actions, that they're playing games and know it.  He/she might appear oblivious to what's going on, but he/she makes it clear that they KNOW what's happening, that they have and still do.

So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters

Comment: The song ends with a specific cluster of lyrics, saying that you need to trust in you and not others.  He/she says that no matter how far you are, or how close you are to love or something more than what you have, always stay close and true to you, that's all that matters.

Anyway, that's my disection of the song, and how I interpreted it so many times over. Feel free to agree and disagree, but that's how I see it. A song is a song and a song holds a meaning; how we as individuals take in that meaning is how we as individuals will learn to appreciate the song as a piece of art, and even at times, a part of us. We relate and understand things differently, hope this helped!

My Interpretation

Amazing :)

awesome i agree but... i dont think its bout... like a guy or girl that means a lot to him but his parents and and how they are going through caner or whatever... thats what i heard anyways but great response and it really does make me think every time i listen to a metallica song. btw if i come off as ignorant or stupid or something like that im not im 14!!!! :3 cheers tho now i kinda get it and i keep trying to do the same with other songs now like trying to analyse them :3

My Opinion

That to me is 100% on the ball! It makes perfect sense to the music, and the way he sings the different parts of the song. Even the parts that repeat he sings them differently and the music changes! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! Metallica is one of my favorite bands and this song kind of stumped me. Metallica puts so much meaning in their music, and as a listener I love hearing what other people think.

Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

This is a very special song to me. My mom tells me everytime she hears it that its going to be her funeral song. She tells me because the song means that no matter what happens in life, who you meet, the things you do...remember who you are. Dont let what people think about you and what they what you to be change you. always "true in who you are". The person you truly are. And if you always remember exactly who you are, nothing else in life matters.

I hope, when I die, that someone I love will hear this song and think of me...I'd like to think this is what I'd want to say to them when I'm gone, especially my little nephew and cousins...you're mom rocks :)

Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

This song is what you'd get if you made the poem Invictus into a beautiful love song. There are two threads to it, the first thread is the love song:

"So close, no matter how far" We're emotionally close even when we're physically apart "Couldn't be much more from the heart" I love you from the bottom of my heart "Never opened myself this way" I've never opened up to someone like I have with you "Forever trusting who we are" We'll always believe in ourselves and each other "Trust I seek and I find in you" I need someone I can trust and it's you "Every day for us something new" We're not growing stale, every day of our relationship feels exciting and new "And nothing else matters" Nothing matters but our love "All these words I don't just say" I'm not just saying these words, I mean them

The second thread is a fierce "declaration of independence", a rejection of the rest of the world:

"Life is ours, we live it our way" We'll live how we want, not how others tell us to "Open mind for a different view" We see the world with our own eyes and that gives us a different view. We don't copy the unexamined opinions of others. "Never cared for what they say" Other people gossip and disapprove but we ignore those fools "Never cared for games they play" Other people play games and don't mean what they say but we ignore those fools "Never cared for what they do" Other people do bad or stupid things but we ignore those fools "Never cared for what they know" Other people gossip but we ignore those fools "And nothing else matters" The rest of the world doesn't matter, only our love matters

A couple more points:

  • The words "nothing else matters" tie together the two threads.
  • For me, although the melody feels dark and dramatic, which might seem out of place in a love song, that power and anger emphasize how strong the singer's love is.
Song Meaning

Kind of like an unfaltering love for someone... A relationship that can't be torn apart by society's rules, family, frienemies, etc... Two unconquerable souls, masters of their own fate... All they need is one another and..."nothing else matters".

Thank you.

Your interpretation is as beautiful as the song itself. Best compliment I can think of.

Totally subjective I know, but I find Sully Erna's (Godsmack) performance more powerful than the original.

i don't think this is a love song)) melody, atmosphere and so on aspire to tell us something more than "i love u, we are created to each other and *uck'em all who think we cant be together", common, Hetfield is not so superficial )

Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

i think a lot of people miss the whole point of this album. just about every song talks about youth being lost and the struggle of finding purpose in life. and this song is basically about how you should find what you want to do in life and be happy doing it - nothing else matters. true it could be about love, but it doesn't really fit with the unforgiven or don't tread on me. which what makes this album such a political statement for me. it basically is saying - screw the educational system, we need to get back to what people want to do with their lives, and that doesn't necessarily mean moving into meaningless positions created by business people/politicians.

correct me if im wrong tho

Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

this song is about the prosperity and preservation of human friendship, and that's all that matters, no matter what kind of personality you have the need for companionship is always there, lover, friend, or relative.

'Personally' I think Sephiroth is correct (appealing to my understanding and feelings), although people must understand that a song does not have one fixed meaning, even though the artist(s) have set the path to imply one. If the song means something unique to you that other people don't agree on 'So fucking what!' No matter why you listen to an artist, everyone likes to listen to them for different reasons and that should never be scrutinized by the likes of someones mind, such as the user 'no one important'.

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Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

I think its about releationships.. of any kind. Whether it be your spouse.. boyfriend or girlfriend.. your best friend.. whatever. To James I think it might have meant his band-mates. I think it'd be an excellent wedding song. If I ever do get married again, this will be the first dance.

My Interpretation

@Fireraven It WAS our wedding song! We had an instrumental version. Love it. :)

Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

hey everyone metallica is my favorite band this song james wrote about his girlfriend. He wrote it because he was missing her he had been on the road all the tiem and didn't get to see her very much. James did not want this song on the black album but the rest of the band loved it so the put it on.

Well, im not sure about yall guys, but i think the meaning is pretty obvious... Here it is:

I think this song is about how everyone should not care about what others think, or what others have said to you that are mean or disrespectful. It's also about not letting those words they say effect you or make you feel bad or insecure. But you still should respect everyone else, and respect their opinions. If you think differently from the rest of the crowd, then dont worry about it. Nothing Else Matters except YOUR opinion.

Song Meaning

I like

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Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

this song made me cry the first time i heard it it is so emotionally powerful its just telling you to be yourself and not care what people think

it is very deep, I agrree with you, nothing else matters.

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Cover art for Nothing Else Matters lyrics by Metallica

Tis a love song... no doubt.. it doesn't need the word "love" in the lyrics to be about love... It's the straight forward feeling you get form the words, and how he sings them... You can tell that he's singing to someone who means just an incredible amount to him, someone that he misses...

ADMM85- lol... I've been trying to get my gf to accept this as "our song" she insists we get one... and I can't stand the poppy junk she suggests... I think I almost have her for it.... and about the wedding song... My older cousin and his bride actually had an acoutic version of the song played during their ceremony... it was funny... I was up in the balcony taping, and it started playing.... I was sittin there singin along... They also danced to it for their special dance at the reception...