Turn the Page (Bob Seger cover) Lyrics
east of Omaha
You can listen to the engine moanin'
Out his one old song
You can think about the woman
Or the girl you knew the night before
The way they always do
When you're riding sixteen hours
and there's nothing much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin'
You just wish the trip was through
Here I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playing the star again
There I go, turn the page
Strung out from the road
And you feel the eyes upon you
As you're shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode
Other times you can
All the same old clichés...
Is it woman, is it man?
And you always seem outnumbered
You don't dare make a stand
Make your stand
Here I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playing the star again
There I go, turn the page
You're a million miles away
Every ounce of energy
You try and give away
As the sweat pours out your body
Like the music that you play
As you lie awake in bed
With the echoes of the amplifiers
Ringin' in your head
You smoke the day's last cigarette
Remembering what she said
What she said
Here I am, up on the stage
Here I go, playing the star again
There I go, turn the page
There I go, turn the page
There I go, yeah yeah
There I go, Yeah yeah
Here I go, yeah
Here I go-oah
Here I go...

So many reply's, most about Metallica. Posts should be focused on Song Meanings, hence the name of the website.

wikipedia got us covered https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_the_Page_(Bob_Seger_song) "Inspiration "Turn the Page" is about the emotional and social ups and downs of a rock musician's life on the road. Seger wrote it in 1972 while touring with Teegarden & Van Winkle. Drummer David Teegarden (of Teegarden & Van Winkle and later the Silver Bullet Band) recalls: We had been playing somewhere in the Midwest, or the northern reaches, on our way to North or South Dakota. [Guitarist] Mike Bruce was with us. We'd been traveling all night from the Detroit area to make this gig, driving in this blinding snowstorm. It was probably 3 in the morning.
Mike decided it was time to get gas. He was slowing down to exit the interstate and spied a truck stop. We all had very long hair back then – it was the hippie era – but Skip, Mike and Bob had all stuffed their hair up in their hats. You had to be careful out on the road like that, because you'd get ostracized. When I walked in, there was this gauntlet of truckers making comments – "Is that a girl or man?" I was seething; those guys were laughing their asses off, a big funny joke. That next night, after we played our gig – I think it was Mitchell, S.D. – Seger says, "Hey, I've been working on this song for a bit, I've got this new line for it. He played it on acoustic guitar, and there was that line: "Oh, the same old cliches / 'Is that a woman or a man?' " It was "Turn the Page." Tom Weschler, then road manager for Seger, remembers the same incident: "Turn the Page," Bob's great road song, came along in '72, while we were driving home from a gig. I think we were in Dubuque, Iowa, in winter and stopped at a restaurant. We stood out when we entered a store or a gas station or a restaurant en masse. At this restaurant it was particularly bright inside, so there weren't any dark corners to hide in. All these local guys were looking at us like, "What are these guys? Is that a woman or a man?" – just like in the song. ... That was one incident, but there were so many others on the road that led Seger to write that song."

One of the best covers in the world. Metallica has the ability to incorporate great videos, and great sounds into every song that they produce. There is nothing anyone could say about this song that would be negative because it is all around a great song. James has the voice to do anything he wants with anything and make it sounds awesome. Good choice of a cover and I can't wait for the next. Listen and Feel.

no shit

Although Bob Seger originally did this song... Metallica does a much better cover. Bob Seger like talks throughout the whole time and you hear a giggle saxophone or something in the bwackground. Blah.
When Metallica does it, this song is Rockin'!
This version is pretty good, but it's not better. It's simply... different... Segar sings it the way he does because he is going for a more tired, worn-out sounding style. Whereas James sings it with his usual, gravelly voice, which gives it an angry, "i'm sick of this" feel. You're right that it is a saxophone in the background (your misspelling of the word "background" made me giggle a little, by the way), however, the saxophone helps set the mood for the song. replacing it with guitar chords just doesn't generate the same feel.
This version is pretty good, but it's not better. It's simply... different... Segar sings it the way he does because he is going for a more tired, worn-out sounding style. Whereas James sings it with his usual, gravelly voice, which gives it an angry, "i'm sick of this" feel. You're right that it is a saxophone in the background (your misspelling of the word "background" made me giggle a little, by the way), however, the saxophone helps set the mood for the song. replacing it with guitar chords just doesn't generate the same feel.

some people who preform arent always happy, but they just keep doing it for $$$ and they life is pointless to them

this song has a lot of meaning to me. you guys are right in what it means... this is a good song to have in your minde when doing shit you just dont want to do like work or school or whatever...

I heard that the rest of the guys thought the song thought it sounded like something james would write, so they "had" to do it.

yea but i was correcting the dud, i must of mis read his writing, o well, my apologies

who is the lady stripper in the video? if you havent seen it download it its a cool video and a cool song
@ilikeoreos a porn star from the seventies (Ginger Lynne)
@ilikeoreos a porn star from the seventies (Ginger Lynne)