174 Meanings
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(Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth Lyrics

Bass Solo
Take One
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174 Meanings

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

I think the song is about a bass solo. The "Bass solo" part seems to tell you that it had to do with a bass and maybe a solo. The "take one" Means that they recorded it.

HA ha...A little over-analytical eh?

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lol yeah

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

Nothing beats a great metallica solo whether bass guitar or electric guitar...........Metallica's solos RULE

Hell Yeah!

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

I heard Ron McGovney, Metallica's first bassist actually started writing the song, and Burton just added to it. Who cares about who's the best bassist, you can't compare between styles, or really anything. Pretty sweet song though. Has sorta that classical pensive type feel or something, definately classical.

Cliff Burton wrote it. Cliff was very-influenced by classical music, which is why he made it sound like it did.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

Well...the deepness of this song can be measu-...eh, screw it.

Great bass solo though, it showed the late Cliff Burton's true talents.

too bad for cliff he really was good...

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Do you think they would have kept him if he had survived? Cause I heard James is a jerk and Lars, well we all know about Lars...

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Metallica4Dead YES they would have kept him! He was the heart and soul of the band! AND James's hero.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

You are all right, there is no best bass player. Not because there is some 5 year old out there that can play what Flea (why anyone would think he is the best bass player is beyond me, but everyone can have their opinion), but because the "best" is just an opinion. It is purely an opinion.

P.S. Hasn't anyone heard of Stu Hamm or Geddy lee?

I don't think anyone's the best, I just have favorites. Geddy Lee's great too.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

who cares if there are better bassists out there (steve harris being one of them. fleas a tosser as are all the chilli peppers[in my opinion]) its a fucking good song lets leave it at that.why dont more metal bassists do solo tracks like this?

I agree. I just want more bassists to have their spotlight in music. The bass guitar sounds great in music, and I really enjoy hearing any kind of bass leads.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

Ahem... I have a few things (people) to address here. First off, Motorbreath: Jason simply played bass on "To Live is to Die", he didn't write it. The entire song is composed of several riffs from many of Cliff's notebooks, which is where the lyrics were found. Secondly, to the idea that Jason was better or even all that good: his bass playing was just enough to fit the track, never much more than a dumbed down single string translation of James' guitar riffs. His best original work was My Friend of Misery, which is more or less the same riff as Anesthesia, the song of which should be discussed (trust me, it's got the same notes in the intro, but Anesthesia's are played faster and run together). While not a technical bass player, i.e. quite able to play the bass but choosing lead guitar as my forte, I still listen in awe every time I hear this song, or anything off Kill, Ride, or Master. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a great example of excellent bass that goes underappreciated; during that part around 1:00 where the guitar starts playing the "dun dun dun dun" (E|3 2 1 0), you can notice the bass playing the same riff... with the E and A strings, hence a bass power chord. Does Flea do that? (Note: Flea's good at what he does, slap bass, but Cliff brought guitar sensibility to the bass.)

Props to you. Cliff is a lead-style bassist. Lemmy from Motorhead is a guitar-inspired bassist too. Only he plays rhythm-guitar bass style player.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

Cliff Burton was a fucking awesome bassist. I didn't even know those sounds could be made with a bass until I heard this song. He also sounds good in "Ktulu".

He Also Does A Great Job On Hit The Lights, The Four Horsemen, Orion, And Seek & Destroy.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

what does you being a bassist have to do with u knowing everything about all the other talents out t here??

It Is Actually Easier To Tell Someone's Skill If You Play The Same Instrument Yourself.

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Cover art for (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth lyrics by Metallica

yea, a lot of bassists are better look how mmetallica gets a new one every time a bass player comes along who is better that the current one, and arent they one of the greatest bands ever?

i know, im a smartass POSSIBLY les claypool, by the way

So Far, They've Only Fired Their First Bassist, Ron McGovney. Cliff Passed Away And Jason Quit. Rob Was A Pretty Well-Known Bassist By The Time He Joined Metallica Having Already Played With Black Label Society, Ozzy Osbourne, Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, and Jerry Cantrell.

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