17 Meanings
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Time and Time Again Lyrics

I wanted so badly Somebody other than me
Staring back at me But you were gone
I wanted to see you walking backwards
And get the sensation of you coming home
I wanted to see you walking away from me
Without the sensation of you leaving me alone

Time and time again Time and time again
Time and time again I can't please myself

I wanted the ocean to cover over me
I wanna sink slowly without getting wet
Maybe someday, I won't be so lonely
And I'll walk on water every chance I get

So when are you coming home Sweet angel?
You leaving me alone? All alone?
Well if I'm drowning darling, you'll come down this way on your own

I wish I was traveling on a freeway
Beneath this graveyard western sky
I'm gonna set fire to this city
And out into the desert we're gonna ride
Song Info
Submitted by
dank On Nov 27, 2001
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

Hmm, well being in a long distance relationship I take it as he has to leave someone while they are travelling and he misses them a lot and although he loves them and wants to be with them, the loneliness is wearing him thin. I really like the first verse and for that matter I love the opening of "I want it so badly". I love Adam Durtiz's lyrics. They're so heartfelt and so in touch with universal emotions. He expresses feelings so wonderfully. It's amazing. There's nobody like Counting Crows...

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

For me this song is about someone leaving you...for whatever reason...maybe they are moving away. it gives me the feeling of wanting something that just can't be. The singer wants them to come back. When they see them walk away, they don't want to get the feeling they're leaving for good. This song to me is about someone you can't you can't live without but must... Pretty sad huh?

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

I think it's about feeling abandoned by someone you have a true connection with or affection for. It's about the deep hollow sadness that creeps in & smothers you in their absence.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

I think this song is about a guy who thinks he knows what he wants...to be single. But when he gets his freedom he realizes maybe he didn't want it, but its too late he has lost his love. His personal struggle to "please himself" is conveyed through his words. In the end he decides he's better off w/o her and he is gonna go ahead and put himself out in the world again

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

I think that the author wants someone to love him... "I wanted so badly Somebody other than me Staring back at me But you were gone I wanted to see you walking backwards And get the sensation of you coming home I wanted to see you walking away from me Without the sensation of you leaving me alone "

he wants to know that that person will be back to him even when she is leaving. but he has a conflict with whether that is what he wants or if he just wants to be single and have a person love him for who he is. that is what this song means to me.

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

now, i'm sure i'm probably wrong, but i see it as him not wanting to accept the fact that he doesn't need someone to love him, and he can be single. i think the last lines 'i'm gonna set fire to this city and out into the desert we're gonna ride' mean that he is ready to be alone and he can go on his own and you know, kind of like 'paint the town red.' thats my interpretation, but whatever means, its a beautiful song.

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

"I wanted to see you walking backwards And get the sensation of you coming home I wanted to see you walking away from me Without the sensation of you leaving me alone"

Those lyrics are some of the cleverest lyrics I've ever heard. My boyfriend says it's gibberish. I could hit him with a spanner sometimes. The walking backwards to imply coming home obviously means the person who's being talked about has already left. If the person walked away without the sensation that they were leaving him alone it would mean they intended on coming back - which above all else is what is desired.

My boyfriend is still caught on the imagery of 'walking backwards' and thinks it's silly.


Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

"I wanted the ocean to cover over me I wanna sink slowly without getting wet"

I think that this part of the song talks about how he wants the feeling of love but at the same time doesn't want the pain that goes along with it. I also believe its a great metaphor to use in this case.. well anyway thats it. byebye

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

he's missing someone really badly, and he's feeling so strange when theyre not there, and he just doesnt want to be there, or feel it. i think "i wanna sink slowly without getting wet" sums it up. as for the end part, it soudns like he's just drifting off into dream, and starting to feel kind of angry/careless.

Cover art for Time and Time Again lyrics by Counting Crows

"And maybe some day i wont be so lonely, and ill walk on water every chance i get" i think he doesnt believe he will ever find someone.. and he thinks he will be lonely forever