The Closest Thing Lyrics
And I am speechless at best
Your star it seems to shine above the rest
You're the face before the cameras
The smile i'd like to earn
The closest thing to perfect in a hollywood to burn
You're the beauty that is deeper than than eyes can merely see
The closest thing to perfect
But the farthest thing from me
And I'd love to be the shoulder that you cry on
And I'd love to be the friend you call when things are great
You're the dream that hasn't ended
And i'm still anxious for rest your words
They seem to hang above my head
You're the bud before the flower unfurls into full bloom
Captivating beauty
But it may be all too soon you're the song that writes a story
But leaves a lot to read
The closest thing to perfect
But the farthest thing from me
And like I really deserve a chance to sit across a table
And tell you that i think you're wonderful
And I think you're something special
I guess this is my only chance to say I wish I knew you
Because I'm sure you're wonderful
If I'd get to know you.
I think this song is obviously talking about someone in their life who think they're pretty much perfect for them and because of that they feel like they don't deserve them. I love this song just because it goes into so much detail about describing the person with metaphors.
i love this song... i think it's so beautiful and just gets all the emotion of how he feels about this particular person.. LOVE it!!!
This song is simply beautiful. It's so captivating. The lyrics are pure soul and 100% meaningful. It describes the one you love the way you see them, however, you feel as if you do not deserve them because they're amazing. I like it a lot.
ok ur all full of shit.....dis song is realle about how so perfect this gurl is in everyway and how he onlee wishes dat he could get a chance to be with her.....but he can't because he realle doesn't knoe dis gurl.....its wut he wishes he could have, its a gurl in his head
i interpreted this song as being about maybe an actress he has a crush on........
this is my song to a the girl i wish to have. great words for great music to make an AWESOME song
this is my song to the girl i wish to have. great words for great music to make an AWESOME song
I think that Punk e is full of shit. Of course, someone who can't even speak like a normal human most likly wo't be able to understand the beautiful poetry in this song. He obviously has a crush on this girl, but thinks that she is too perfect to even speak too. This song always makes me cry... it's just so sweet!
i actually have to agree with Punk E. i think this song is about a celebrity that this person thinks just may be the perfect girl. the closest thing to perfect in a hollywood to burn. that means that most if not all of hollywood is fake but this one person is the closest to perfect.
he is obviously singing about someone that he doesn't know because "i guess this is my only chance to say i wish i knew you..." because this may be a famous person, he doesn't feel like he deserves to talk to or even meet her
ok well alls i havta say is this song is explaining a guy that has been watching this girl and obviously is a star..he wishes he could b the one for her...He thinks shes perfect in every way and in the end he relizes he doesnt know her and he wishes he did