7 Meanings
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Foot In Your Mouth Lyrics

I recognize that typical, cynical smile you wear on the front row
I can hear you telling everyone about the other show
You're the one with all of the friends
But none are real cause you're a hypocrite
Just remember that you did it yourself and you wonder how
Just don't stick your foot in your mouth
Never thought before you spoke
You tell me what I want to hear
Turn around and tell another
Who you think you know
Did you really think it wouldn't get back to me
Fabrications that you spun so well
Always ready with a tabloid story to tell
So don't complain to me
Shut your mouth and go quietly
Cause it didn't have to be like this and you wonder how
Just don't stick your foot in your mouth
Didn't have to be this way
You tell me what I want to hear
Turn around and tell another
Who you think you know
But no one cares what you wanna say
Don't bug me or any other
Shut your mouth and go
How can you live with yourself
Knowing all the lies that you tell
How can you live with yourself
I know what you want and what you'll do
To get your foot in the door or to just break through
But you're never gonna get to where you want right now
Cause you stick your foot in your mouth
All you have to do is change
7 Meanings
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I suffer from foot in mouth disease!

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wow.....this is pretty much exactly how i feel right now....about myself. i recently messed up badly with the guy i love, and he told me off. this song is kinda like wut he was trying to say to me. and he was right...

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yea...Ive stuck my foot in my mouth a lot of times too...but my friends are the greatest bc they always forgive me!! :)

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This song is great for skanking to! ie the ska dance with elbows up to head. My friend and I once requested this in this club we go to and we were the only ones who knew it and the only ones on the dance floor! lol! Happy times...

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LoL!!!!! i Laaaoooooveee this sooooaaang!!!!!! my boyfriend was all like "aaah you should listen to it!!" and i was all like, "aaahuuuum allllritey!" and then so i like listened to it.....and it was SOOOOAAAH goooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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this is mine and a 'certain friends' song. and i alwas request it, and we merryly skank away without a care in the world while people go wot the...

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more like dick in mouth. thats what the lead singer who looks like pee wee herman and yoko ohno's bastard child was really trying to say.

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