Living on Your Own Lyrics
And things around you start to go
You’re on your own, well baby you’re on your own
When I see it in your smile
I can tell it ain`t your style
You’re on your own, well baby you’re on your own
And pretty soon, it takes its toll
Maybe I should ask you why
You need everything
But you ain`t got it, cause you’re living on your own
And the love of life it could be
But `til then you’ll look at me
Then you’ll feel it grow
And you’ll always know
You ain`t got it living on your own
And I can tell how it will be
You’re on your own well baby you’re on your own
I can tell the way you smile
And just you wait and in a while
You’re on your own well baby you’re on your own
A bit of a look into its history, Burke Shelley mentioned how the chord-picking style was inspired by the band Glass Menagerie' and that the end section is Beck's Bolero' revisited.
Another one of Budgie's long tracks, this one explores themes of isolation, longing for connection, and the struggles of self-sufficiency. It talks about the challenges one faces when navigating life independently, and standing up on your own. Through a bit of vivid imagery and relatable experiences, they discuss how living on your own can lead to feelings of emptiness and unfulfilled desires. When you reach a point in your young adulthood, or you are born into a box that shuts you off from the world, you have to learn to make it on your own, something that most people can't do. Many hardships will be faced and some just can't overcome them without a helping hand; That adult figure or partner may not always be there. If a path is forged it may not be one you desire, just one you need, giving way to the fear or dread of wasted potential and shattered dreams.