I want to be loved
Everybody does
I find shame in the crack-like corpse un-cadaver reign
I want to be loved
Everybody does
I find shame gripped tight like your withering fame
We made it
Hot Zumba classes at the new church
I lost ten pounds for the wedding
I played happy til my teeth hurt
Sofa surfer extraordinaire
Lambert’s ash in my falling hair, yeh
I want to be loved
Everybody does
I find shame cuts rips real nice as we change lanes
We made it
I want to be loved
Everybody does
We made it
We made it
Teletext has a place in my heart
Ten percent discount, I’ll show you how
Gregory’s birthday in a placid town, wow
Janine held the flag with white knuckles
I’m burning the Astra til the wheels buckle, yeh
I want to be loved
Everybody does
Everybody does
I find shame in the crack-like corpse un-cadaver reign
I want to be loved
Everybody does
I find shame gripped tight like your withering fame
We made it
I lost ten pounds for the wedding
I played happy til my teeth hurt
Sofa surfer extraordinaire
Lambert’s ash in my falling hair, yeh
Everybody does
I find shame cuts rips real nice as we change lanes
We made it
I want to be loved
Everybody does
We made it
We made it
Ten percent discount, I’ll show you how
Gregory’s birthday in a placid town, wow
Janine held the flag with white knuckles
I’m burning the Astra til the wheels buckle, yeh
Everybody does
It's all about shame, if that's not obvious. It's not all obvious, as to what he means with each line, but it just shows how shame runs through us in many ways we don't always recognize.
"I lost 10 pounds for the wedding" is maybe my favorite line. I lost 10 lbs. because I'm ashamed of how I look, and it's a common thing for people to starve themselves for weddings. Now, we can replace "shame" for "vanity" if you like, but it's just a different side of the same coin.