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Kcick Again Lyrics

believe me i've been searchin'
deep inside the captain's sack
for a landmark or a trail to get
the boarding party back

to civilization
that warm, creamy fuzz
believe me i would walk through fire
to get aboard your trunk

lisa put your clothes back on
the cops are at the door
they've been searching house to house
to see where the books are stored

they've picked up the captain
put him in a cell
no one knows what the charges are
and no one will tell

broken and alone
broken and alone
broken and alone
broken and alone

lisa lift your skirt a little
no one will see
they're mining all the harbors
there's snipers in the trees

the boarding party's been attacked
by a vicious mob
they say they've lost their homes
they say they've lost their jobs

pretend you never knew them
pretend you haven't heard
never speak to anyone
not a single word

lisa lift your skirt a little
no one will see
it may feel peculiar
but it's only me

broken and alone
broken and alone
broken and alone
broken and alone
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