Love This Lyrics
I will look up, I will look up with some delight
I'll probably ask you shit you heard a million times
How many parts of things I do would you consider crimes?
Even if you answer I won't trust you in my soul
I'm only human, I watch stories on TV
They give me an ending when an ending's all I need
You don't know how much I love this
Don't want to belong to a club with such a lenient boss
Get your ass down here reprimand me for my sins
How can I know reason if no reason's why I've been
If it happened overnight would you retire if you could?
If I believe in heaven I deny myself a death
Dying keeps my conscious of the way I waste my breath
But what if how it is does not agree with how I live?
Should I admit the path I'm on is not the best?
Should I join your super highway cos you say that it's correct?
Things I should be doing aint the same as things I must
Tony Soprano is a teacher I respect
He's always been there when I take a nasty step
Let's just grab a cup of coffee, get fair trade if you'd prefer
You'll look at me ways that I've never looked at you
and I'll step back still wondering what you're thinking I should do
Beautiful, beautiful song, even for someone like me who does not believe in God :-)
I get this as being about a regular guy who is having a conversation with his God. Despite the fact that he has questions and doesn't completely agree with how his God operates, he is still grateful for and loves 'this', presumably life, the world around him and everything.
I believe neither does he... I think he's being ironic. The line "If I believe in heaven I deny myself a death - dying keeps my conscious of the way I waste my breath" gives it away. The fact that he doesn't believe in an afterlife, gives him so much more reason to enjoy this one life we have. Cheers
I believe neither does he... I think he's being ironic. The line "If I believe in heaven I deny myself a death - dying keeps my conscious of the way I waste my breath" gives it away. The fact that he doesn't believe in an afterlife, gives him so much more reason to enjoy this one life we have. Cheers
This is a very rambling, askew song about a doubtful person contemplating garrulously about what they would ask their God if He appeared in the sky. "So many lines I've had to cross Don't want to belong to a club with such a lenient boss Get your ass down here reprimand me for my sins How can I know reason if no reason's why I've been" This is presumably about the fact that although there is a Bible written with all the rules that "God" has written, none of these rules are being enforced by God- only the Churches. "How come every man aint good? If it happened overnight would you retire if you could? If I believe in heaven I deny myself a death Dying keeps my conscious of the way I waste my breath" Again, these are a bit rambling. But this one stays a bit on the topic of the afterlife. "How come every man aint good?" references the ability of an all-powerful god to prevent the existence of bad men. The last two lines here are simple, and self-explanatory. Life is finite, and it doesn't restart in Paradise. He doesn't really believe in a heaven because believing in heaven is also fooling yourself, so when you're wasting your life watching television, you have an excuse.
Good song but these lyrics are wrong. It's "with some delight" not "on Sunday light", "they give me an ending" not "thinking an ending", and "confer" not "confirm".