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First New Day Lyrics

How can we fight the diseases of the poor
When colour of a nation is reasoning for war
Men force your surrender, then ask you to believe
With the lives of many millions embroidered of their sleeves
Is this reason - a price to pay?
Give us reason - a first new day
Acid emotion - child of suicide
Bewilderment and hunger are hurting you inside
While hopes find protection in the sanctuary of live
Another voice is silenced in the quite of the night
Is this reason - a price to pay?
Give us reason - a first new day
All breathe together, suffocate the fear
Let each of us in comfort share the pain, the tears, the years
Don't let their hate be the dowry of a youth
Too humble for importance -
Too honest for the truth
Is this reason - a price to pay?
Give us reason - a first new day
Give us reason - a first new day
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Submitted by
songmeanings On Feb 06, 2012
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Cover art for First New Day lyrics by Twelfth Night

The Lyrics are by Andy Sears, not Revell or Devoil.