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Rosa de Hiroshima Lyrics

Pensem nas crianças
Mudas telepáticas
Pensem nas meninas
Cegas inexatas
Pensem nas mulheres
Rotas alteradas
Pensem nas feridas
Como rosas cálidas

Mas, oh, não se esqueçam
Da rosa da rosa
Da rosa de Hiroshima
A rosa hereditária
A rosa radioativa

Estúpida e inválida
A rosa com cirrose
A anti-rosa atômica
Sem cor sem perfume
Sem rosa, sem nada
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Cover art for Rosa de Hiroshima lyrics by Ney Matogrosso

I know this song is about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, but it also makes me think about sexual abuse during childhood. Times that the feminine genitals are called "flowers" and, when the innocence is ruined, you start to see your little flower as this radioactive rose, "without color, without perfume, without rose, without nothing."

My Interpretation