Hats Off to the Bull Lyrics
Don't bleed on their own
You paid for an eyeful
So behold the bull
Why can't I look up, out in the clearing
Tell me what's there below, end over end
While he's safe for the moment, guess what he's learning
He's never safe from the crowd
No giving up
Either way, it makes ya mad
Well some of us
Hats off to the bull, keep giving all
What ya say we make amends
Could mean the beyond
The simpler the treasure
Means the higher the cost
Well as for the ending, damn right I'm learning
You might ask for the door, end over end
Well I hate how the clouds hide
The gasps from above
No giving up
Either way, it makes ya mad
Well some of us
Hats off to the bull, keep giving all
What ya say we make amends
Colors gray, he brings them out
Don't mind the challenge, suffer miles
A little shallow, if I don't say
His time ain't up
Bitter hell in the lion's den
For some of us
Hats off to the bull
The sun won't set
Till the pain and the final breath

I think what is being said in these lyrics is that someone's got to be the one to never back down from the crowd. From my point of view, we all learn from an early age that it's easy (even "best") to agree with the majority, even if you do not agree. I believe that most people buy into to this thought process because I've seen most people do it every day of my life. When most people come across situations whether at work, in a relationship, politically, or socially when they have a different opinion or believe about something and are their opposition is put up against the numbers and thrown to the masses, they fold. Why? Because who wants to be involved in an unjust fight? Who wants to be the one opposed by the masses? It's a scary and insecure position for anyone to face.
Then there are those who for some reason that never quit; even when odds, experience, or logic have likely already predicted the greatest possibility of failure. Whether it is a question of right/wrong, pride, ego, justice, or even freedom, something prevents them from selling out their side of it. The saddest thing about it is that when others see this going on in day to day life and realize what's happening, they too will come across the same predicament and be forced to make the same choice within themselves...(Are you tough enough, basically.)
I believe in all honesty, that the world needs "these bulls" to prosper. Hence, the statement, "Hats off to the bull." How would we have gotten anywhere as a society or democracy if there was never anyone with the balls big enough to say hey, eff you guys, respect my authoritay! Or atleast a different way to think, believe, or live.
All our needs put together Don't bleed on their own
(Like saying, if no one(s) will pay the price, then not everyone would have a way of getting what they need. Which in my thoughts are the basics, like freedom of speech or the right to bare arms.
As an American, this is what my country was founded on.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.) You paid for an eyeful So behold the bull
(There's an injustice we ALL pay when everyone isn't treated with respect or thoughtfulness. "A bull" will see this and definitely be the one to stand up and do something about it. Hey, they still have a chance, right???)
Why can't I look up, (out in the clearing) Tell me what's there below, (end over end)
(Okay, so most time this happens in our day to day life, it's something way smaller than anything I mentioned previously. You know, like, someone admitting that they agreed with Bush about the "war" on violence...That's a scary freaking thing to say now-a-days though, right? Might catch a couple of boo's or rocks thrown your way for it. However, my point is that we don't speak our minds or follow our hearts most times out of fear. So of course, in our own shame or guilt, we'd hate to see or watch someone else go down for own cowardliness.)
While he's safe for the moment, (guess what he's learning) He's never safe from the crowd, come one
(Unfortunately, a lot of times, there can be extreme consequences for standing up for something most will say they were against. Whether you win or lose, people will either hate you for doing it, hate you for changing it, or hate you for even trying. We can all probably agree that "a bull" may not have too many friends or allies during or after the fact. Therefore, in the beginning, you're just speaking your mind right? No harm, no fowl, yeah? WRONG! Human Beings just aren't that dignified yet, I suppose....? So yeah, I can also agree, the bull will never really be safe from the crowd's ridicule.)
Aw, the bull. Brave! Hat's off, indeed.
Correction: My, "War on violence" statement was incorrect(along with a couple of other grammatical errors.). As we all know, Bush stated that we were at "War against terror."
Correction: My, "War on violence" statement was incorrect(along with a couple of other grammatical errors.). As we all know, Bush stated that we were at "War against terror."
you're exactly right about "the bull"; those individuals whom society deems as the outsider for his ideals. why is it soo wrong to say something that is true, and can help open ones mind, rather than stick w/the norm (cultural society) and blind and fall off a cliff. In other words speak your mind, think for yourself, and don't let someone put you down for your beliefs. Im not meaning just b/c i live in America i mean as a human being everyone should be respected, and not incriminated for wanting to have a differing opinion.
you're exactly right about "the bull"; those individuals whom society deems as the outsider for his ideals. why is it soo wrong to say something that is true, and can help open ones mind, rather than stick w/the norm (cultural society) and blind and fall off a cliff. In other words speak your mind, think for yourself, and don't let someone put you down for your beliefs. Im not meaning just b/c i live in America i mean as a human being everyone should be respected, and not incriminated for wanting to have a differing opinion.
I find this very unlikely that the song was about individualism or bourgeois liberty. They wrote a song on the same album about anger against Bernie Madoff called "Face to the Floor" My source is the interview with Revolver Magazine
I find this very unlikely that the song was about individualism or bourgeois liberty. They wrote a song on the same album about anger against Bernie Madoff called "Face to the Floor" My source is the interview with Revolver Magazine

I believe this song is about politics, the economy and social implications of the recession.
So hats off to the bull No giving up (Either way, it makes ya mad) (Well some of us)
in my opinion this may be a metaphor for the bull market "no giving up" is one side the side of the occupy protesters saying they lost the battle but there is no giving up... "so hats off to the bull" is the other point of view of the financial elite congratulating them on their victory of getting more wealth and power.(Either way, it makes ya mad) (Well some of us) refers to those who sit on the sidelines and can see this happening and can do nothing about it.
just my interpretation

So my interpretation of the song is that it is about Occupy Wall Street (a left-wing political activist movement with an alleged anarchist structure of direct democracy inspired by the Arab Spring taking place in 2011 in New York City) If you need more information of the Occupy Movement, there is plenty of information over the internet
"All our needs put together Don't bleed on their own" = "Harm to one is harm to us all" "You paid for an eyeful" = Referring over 6 trillion dollars in tax payer money that was given mostly to major financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, which leads me to the next line
"So behold the bull" = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charging_Bull
"Why can't I look up, (out in the clearing) Tell me what's there below, (end over end)" = Referring to the stock investors and CEOs looking down on the crowds of people and them looking back up. There were even various reports of the two "trolling" each other after various stock investors were throwing down employment applications for various fast food chains such as Subway and McDonald's onto the streets of New York.
"While he's safe for the moment, (guess what he's learning)" = A line suggesting what Chris Hayes called the "Twilight of the Elite" when figures like Stephen King were making references to the French Revolution and Occupy Wall Street, suggesting the end of the "elite" in not so pleasant means
"He's never safe from the crowd, come on" = The notion that a revolution can occur at any given moment when the living conditions of the average citizen are in "recession"
"So hats off to the bull No giving up" = A sort of strange politeness toward an opponent as if to call Wall Street a formidable enemy and the second line sounds just as it implies that the people will not give up the fight
(Either way, it makes ya mad) (Well some of us) = Reference to the anger people felt and still feel to this day and the reactionary element of the right-wing in America with ideas such as the "boot strap theory" claiming the problems within peoples' lives can only be regarded as the fault of the individual experiencing them
"Hats off to the bull, keep giving all (What ya say we make amends)" = A sort of support of Liberal ideas. That there should be negotiation between the haves and the have-nots to avoid civil unrest
"To be monumental Could mean the beyond" = "The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our greatest faults"-Chris Hedges, Let's Get This Class War Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6unS2JF8TA
"The simpler the treasure Means the higher the cost" = Houses and cars are some of the most expensive on the market and yet they are practically necessary to live a decent life as housing means shelter and cars have become such a common means of transportation that a lack of an automobile could mean the rejection of a job application
"Well as for the ending, damn right I'm learning" = Referring to the Occupy Movement as much more of an enlightenment of class consciousness as opposed to a revolution
"You might ask for the door, end over end" = Referring to the way out of the tactic of occupation. Majority of participants in the Occupy Movement were working class members of society who actually couldn't "occupy" in the strictest sense of the term
"Well I hate how the clouds hide The gasps from above" = Again, referring to the "Twilight of the Elites" and their awareness of class warfare from above being necessary to maintain economic "stability"
So hats off to the bull No giving up (Either way, it makes ya mad) (Well some of us) Hats off to the bull, keep giving all (What ya say we make amends)
"Find your challenge, suffer miles" = Referring to the many causes that Occupy brought to the table and the long trails that this mass movement faced in police brutality, infiltration, surveillance, the corporate media, etc.
"Colors gray, he brings them out" = Not too sure what is gray. I would assume the conditions of those striving for a better life bring them out to this park as a means of expressing the suffering of people. After all, the economic crisis was in part due to the housing bubble and various financial institutions taking advantage of that crisis to warrant illegal foreclosures
"Don't mind the challenge, suffer miles A little shallow, if I don't say" = I would assume the shallowness of the corporate media in assuming the Occupy Movement to be full of Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, although the movement was structured in an left-wing Anarchist fashion
"Hats off to the bull His time ain't up" = Again, referring to this as being a beginning, not an end
"(Bitter hell in the lion's den) For some of us" = I would say for most of us, but I digress
"Hats off to the bull The sun won't set (Till the pain and the final breath)" = Sensing a sort of cynicism, but also perhaps the notion of "It is darkest just before the dawn"
So hats off to the bull No giving up (Either way, it makes ya mad) (Well some of us) Hats off to the bull, keep giving all (What ya say we make amends)
Hats off to the bull No giving up Hats off to the bull Keep giving up Hats off to the bull No giving up Hats off to the bull
I hope this gave an interesting look into my interpretation of the song. I will completely accept that this is merely my interpretation of the lyrics, but just keep in mind that "nothing exists outside the text"

Just a small touch up: that last "keep giving up" should be "keep giving all." He's definitely identifying with the bull in this song, so I feel it's not just about not giving up, but also has to do with feeling ganged up on by society. "While he's safe for the moment, guess what he's learning, he's never safe from the crowd." I think it's about how people treat each other badly, for no real reason, and to keep going and not worry about it.

I get the feeling this is about the same person from The Red, which was based on one of the brothers. I'm not familiar enough with the band to know their names though. But I distinctly remember that from an interview they did years ago.

Have you ever watched a running of the bulls?
The bull doesn't give up. I think that's the basis for this song. But the song reads as someone watching the bull. I don't think it needs to be interpreted any deeper.
Hats off to the bull. It runs through, fearless.

For me, "The Bull" is life.
"Hats off to the" excepting/respecting the challenge of.

I saw Chevelle a few months ago in concert and Pete said that this song is about the alpha-aggressive people (likened to a bull in the song) who frequent the mosh pits at concerts.
Okay, so time has dulled my memory. It was about "Get Some" 1.1 Sorry, guys.
Okay, so time has dulled my memory. It was about "Get Some" 1.1 Sorry, guys.

Have you ever watched a running of the bulls?
The bull doesn't give up. I think that's the basis for this song. But the song reads as someone watching the bull. I don't think it needs to be interpreted any deeper.
Hats off to the bull. It runs through, fearless.
I wish i could edit my previous comment to explain this.
"You paid for an eyeful so behold the bull" - Spectator for running of the bulls. "Why can't I look up, (out in the clearing) Tell me what's there below, (end over end)" - Drawing your attention away from something bad is difficult, and what's more interesting... the sky or a bull run? "While he's safe for the moment, (guess what he's learning) He's never safe from the crowd" - A runner, before the bull, as the bull comes through. "To be monumental could mean the beyond" - Killed by being run down or bucked by a bull (monumental could have several meanings here, famous/well known, at the head). "Well as for the ending, damn right I'm learning" - The dangers and possibilities "You might ask for the door, end over end" - If you were actually run down by a bull you would want to be anywhere but there at the time, and tumbing. "Well I hate how the clouds hide the gasps from above" - A euphemism for the danger of someone actually run down. "Find your challenge, suffer miles, colors gray, he brings them out" Runners running for miles to have the bull catch up, ever heard that in dire circumstances where people need split second reflexes they see in black and white?
There are some parts i'm not sure how to fit, but the rest seems pretty straight forward with reading it like so.

This song is about the illuminati
All our needs put together (its us against them) Don't bleed on their own (we bleed in sacrifice to their gods) You paid for an (all seeing) eyeful So behold the bull (false God)
this seems pretty straight forward
Pretty straight forward? Your presumed attributes for an imaginary group, very loosely associated with four lines of lyrics to a song about a BULL FIGHT (and the emotions derived from said spectacle) is far from straight forward! ;)
Pretty straight forward? Your presumed attributes for an imaginary group, very loosely associated with four lines of lyrics to a song about a BULL FIGHT (and the emotions derived from said spectacle) is far from straight forward! ;)
Worst interpretation ever, especially since you think it's "pretty straight forward".
Worst interpretation ever, especially since you think it's "pretty straight forward".