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Can't Mind My Own Business Lyrics

There's times
There's times when I look around
There's times when I look up and down
Up and down my street
And I'm not very pleased

You complain
You complain behind a twitching blind
Writing strong worded letters to The Times
And you might even post them
If you dared go outside

I can't mind my own business
Thats why I've never, never had a trouble
I can't mind my own business, yeah
That's why I've never, never had a trouble with you

There were times
There were times when I truly believed
That everybody was out to get me
I know that's no longer true
Cuz now their out to get you

And these days
These days there's a kitchen knife
At the bottom every Bag For Life
So keep yourself to yourself
Or you'll end up in a canal

I can't mind my own business
That's why I've never, never had a trouble
I can't mind my own business, yeah
That's why I've never, never had a trouble with you
With you

I can't mind my own business
That's why I've never, never had a trouble
I can't mind my own business yeah
That's why I've never, never had a trouble
I can't mind my own business
That's why I've never, never had a trouble
I can't mind my own business, yeah
That's why I've never, never had a trouble with you
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Cover art for Can't Mind My Own Business lyrics by Kaiser Chiefs

Cheers! One possible alteration:You put 'You complain You complain behind a twitching line' Is it possible that it is 'You can't blame, You can't blame it on a twitching blind' As in a paranoid person constantly looking out from behind their blinds? Just a thought. Again cheers for the lyrics

Thanks I do it by ear so any fixes are appreciated though listening again I think it might be:

'You complain You complain behind a twitching blind'

Which makes sense with the following lines as he's talking about a shut-in who moans and 'Writes strong worded letters to The Times' :)

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