79 Meanings
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Holocene Lyrics

"Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me"
You're laying waste to Halloween
You fucked it friend, it's on it's head, it struck the street
You're in Milwaukee, off your feet

And at once I knew I was not magnificent
Strayed above the highway aisle
(Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
And I could see for miles, miles, miles

3rd and Lake it burnt away, the hallway
Was where we learned to celebrate
Automatic bought the years you'd talk for me
That night you played me 'Lip Parade'
Not the needle, nor the thread, the lost decree
Saying nothing, that's enough for me

And at once I knew I was not magnificent
Hulled far from the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
And I could see for miles, miles, miles

Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow bright
Above my brother, I and tangled spines
We smoked the screen to make it what it was to be
Now to know it in my memory

And at once I knew I was not magnificent
High above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice)
But I could see for miles, miles, miles
79 Meanings
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After the first few listens, I think Holocene is my favorite on the album. It's stunningly beautiful. The chorus makes me think of this moment I had once while hiking. You're concentrating on making it it to the top and everything, but then you stop and look behind you and see the most beautiful natural landscape. It makes you feel small. You see how magnificent the world is and then see how not magnificent you are compared to it. I can see Justin having an experience like that. Off of the highway in the snow and ice, alone, or with his brother. "I can see for miles, miles, miles." In times like those you can see for miles, literally, and figuratively, miles within yourself and within your mind.

I agree with this a lot....listened to it atop the bluffs in my area. Made the experience so surreal. The line that gets me every time is "And at once I knew I was not magnificent" I think it could be about realizing how small we are on this beautiful planet.

I agree with this a lot....listened to it atop the bluffs in my area. Made the experience so surreal. The line that gets me every time is "And at once I knew I was not magnificent" I think it could be about realizing how small we are on this beautiful planet.

Well said benyjetr!

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I frequent this site- but have never been prompted to sign up for an account until now.

I have been listening to this song regularly for over a year and never gave it too much thought beyond the beauty in the idea of the vastness of the universe simultaneously causing humility and appreciation.

However, the other day this song hit me so hard and I literally put it on repeat for hours.

For me, Justin (as others have touched on) uses the chorus and verses in juxtaposition to one another. Each verse is a recollection of a point of maturity. The first verse- being drunk on halloween is growing beyond a children's holiday into adulthood. The second verse is obviously more a direct reference to time as the house is no longer there- but for me it speaks to a relationship: "Automatic brought the years you'd talk for me". The third, again, like the first references a holiday. This speaks to me personally as me and my older brother "connect" often on holidays (we live far apart) by smoking up and disseminating the relevant season and catch up on life.

Each of these "moments" in his life are times when he seemed happy or perhaps, grounded. Substances, whether alcohol, drugs or music, art, literature and relationships bring him to a point where he feels at ease and connected to the world. It then reaches a head that presents in the respective chorus- the insurmountable, almost limitless universe and the humility of realizing your insignificance. I love the imagery of him above this vast frozen ground between highways that are weaving a connection to another place- to another road, stretching to the edge of the continent and beyond.

The point that struck me the other day though, was the beauty in the title. Holocene: an epoch spanning over 10,000 years- "connectedness" to the earth from present to the past. Not only are we are aware the world is vast- we are aware that we are only a small speck in time. There is beauty in such simple humanity of a flickering flame, the pink hues of a sunrise- things enjoyed by humankind for eons. It connects our present world of Facebook and Smartphones to centuries of humanity that existed before us- and to the future that lays ahead.

He has these "moments" where everything is right with the world: "not the needle nor the thread, the lost decree... Saying nothing was enough for me". Conversation is not needed, you are absorbed in the moment of the "hallowed bright" of Christmas Eve or "Laying waste to Halloween", but "at once", you are struck with the realization that your "moment" is not significant... "I was not magnificent". In this though, there is joy in the feeling that despite that, you are still a part of something.

You are a part of the fabric of humanity- over 10,000 years of 'people'. "Hulled from far the highway aisle", separated from race, religion, politics and war- but connected to love, jealously, empathy, depression and beauty- emotions spanning borders and time. "Someway baby its part of me, apart from me".

Holocene reminds us, humbles us and empowers us.

I have enjoyed reading what others have thought of the song- well perhaps except for those that referred to the lyrics as "garbage"- maybe my thoughts will make sense to someone else.

My Interpretation

Thank you for that. Reading this while listening to the song honestly made me cry. Your interpretation was simply beautiful. Its an incredible song.

yo b, I think some yr comments are right on, but I'd like to add one or two or three more thought bubbles to the page: Having lived in Minneapolis (as Justin has) and spent time Wisc., I've always thought he was making reference to the bridges the span the 35w freeway in Mpls or the Skyways (in the city)... "High above the highway aisle." "I was not magnificient," points to the realization that one is just a speck in the vast sands of time (Holocene). Of course, we all could be slightly wrong, and J seems like the kind of...

Thanks for the amazing explanation. I am terrible at deciphering lyrics and I had no clue what this song was about before reading your interpretation, but for some reason the emotions the song brought out greatly reflected the meaning of the lyrics. It's funny how the meaning of the song can be there without the words.

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Coming from Mr. Vernon himself:

"Holocene is a bar in Portland, Ore., but it's also the name of a geologic era, an epoch if you will. It's a good example of how all the songs are all meant to come together as this idea that places are times and people are places and times are... people? [Laughs.] They can all be different and the same at the same time. Most of our lives feel like these epochs. That's kind of what that song's about. "Once I knew I was not magnificent." Our lives feel like these epochs, but really we are dust in the wind. But I think there's a significance in that insignificance that I was trying to look at in that song."

source: npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2011/06/22/137328981/bon-ivers-justin-vernon-talks-about-his-bands-new-album

Thanks for the link! Its one of the most insightful interviews with Vernon that I've read.. real humble and open.

reminds me of "People as places as people" by modest mouse

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The Holocene is basically the last ~10,000 years that the Earth has existed; in other words, all of the world's written history and the entirety modern civilization--it's a song about points in time where you realize you're part of something much bigger. The specific times aren't really as important as the overall idea, which is why they appear in glimpses, yet the overall feeling, that "I could see for miles, miles, miles..." is recurring.

Beautiful song, beautiful images, and beautiful idea. The best song on the album.

Very nice point. Though saying that the earth is even approximately 10,000 years old is a little far fetched.


The world is more like billions of years old...but whatever, no biggy.

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I'm not sure what the song means. I just wanted to share a story. It's probably the most significant moment in my life, and I haven't told it to many people; for some reason just tossing it out onto the internet to whomever comes across it seems fitting.

I was in Baghdad a couple years contracting for some shitty part of the military industrial complex. I hadn't made many friends in Iraq, but I made a couple. One was a guy in the Army who got sent out to D8, this shitty little Forward Base in the middle of Sadr City - 4 square blocks of Baghdad, outside of the Greenzone, separated from the streets by a box of 14 foot T Walls. June 8th (my son's 12th birthday) I found out in The Stars and Stripes - the military newspaper, that he'd been killed by an IRAM attack.

Just before this, my girlfriend, who I was more than in love with, left and moved across the country - she said she was coming back, but I knew. The last time I saw her was when I got on the plane to leave. I think, really, I just wanted to see her one last time. That couldn't be goodbye, not like that.

After the attack my department there all demobilized and left D8, meaning someone had to go. I volunteered. I guess I thought I'd get killed there too, or that I couldn't get killed, I'm still not sure. I landed on the 4th of July. Every day I walked past the memorial cross for my friend but my sunglasses mostly hid the constant crying. It was a really dangerous place, so I slept in the bunker most of the time once I got there and it was real. At some point I broke, completely. The hardest part was the realization that my entire life I'd been an extreme narcissist - not just obsessed with my appearance, but the toxic kind of person so ruled by their own fear and insecurity that they poisoned every one around them, alienated them, hurt them and was always the victim of my own arrogance. It's hard to explain, but it's a profound selfishness, almost like people only exist when you're around.

I listened to this album on repeat, nearly constantly the entire time I was there - constantly shaking with anxiety, consumed with loss, and fear, and self hatred. It was the light breeze that kept my mind from drowning in it's own panicked sweat. I couldn't sleep, I'd chew the skin from my fingers until they bled, walk in circles, anything to keep moving, to think a little less.

I got out, eventually, and on the Blackhawk ride back to my main base over Baghdad in the middle of the night - watching it glitter like billions of stars, watching kids swimming in pools, traffic jams, neon Ferris Wheels - all these people just going on living. It felt like "How could they", after he died, after she left, after I lost, "how could they"? Then, out of somewhere, it just clicked - of course they could, and I just flew back, the desert stretching off forever with:

And at once I knew I was not magnificent High above the highway aisle (Jagged vacance, thick with ice) But I could see for miles, miles, miles

Playing over and over in my head.

I came back a completely different person, and I'm not sure, without this song, I would have. I think it was the first thing in my life I ever truly appreciated, was capable of appreciating.

Probably the best and worst moments in my existence, tied together by this song.


well, i dont know why i am inclined to tell you my name, but i am phillip. i feel your story brother. im glad you shared it with me, with all of us. thank you.

I can't think of any words to describe your story and how it made me feel without sounding insincere or maudlin. It's way more beautiful than I can do justice to. Thank you for sharing it with us. I was wondering if I could post it on my blog, with your permission?

My name is Nonso from Nigeria, Your story is most touching and has gotten to the other end of the world. I cannot begin to phantom what you had to go through during your service in Iraq but glad you shared your story. This song was made for you, came here to find the meaning to this song but your story works fine for me. They should make a movie of your experience in Iraq. Sorry about your friend tho. Best regards Nonso. stretchp.1@facebook.com

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This song is like that abrupt shot through the heart when you realize you do not live and breathe without the world, but the world lives and breathes without you.

My Interpretation
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This song is absolutely incredible. Justin Vernon's music is filled with such passion, and with each and every song I become entranced in the emotion.

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is it incredibly pathetic that i was reduced to tears by "...and at once i knew i was not magnificent"? too real. too relevant.

I was just asking myself if it was pathetic that that line started the waterworks, but now I know I'm not alone.

Same here guys... the power of the music and the power of those words came on too strong. It's all good :)

S A M E!! i was sitting there with my eyes closed and once i heard that verse it instantly brought me to tears! i believe this man has created all the songs that have ever brought me to tears. he is amazing

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Wouldn't it be wonderful to write something this beautiful? I wonder what that's like.

@ShelbyLynn The people who write the most beautiful lyrics have been through the ugliest of times.

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"3rd and Lake it burnt away, the hallway was where we learned to celebrate"

Last year, on the corner of 3rd Ave. and Lake Street, a house burned down. The Cook brothers, Justin(?), and other significant EC music folks lived there for a long time. It's the same house the Amateur Love EP was recorded in.

Song Meaning

This sort of gave the song a different meaning to me: it's like a feeling of being slapped in the face with bad news and having to come to terms with it.

I can see him finding out about the fire, or being there as it happened, feeling like he lost a part of him and just staring into the night ("for miles"). "Someway, baby, it's part of me, apart from me" shows that he's referring to something really important to him - it could be the house, or the time spent there.

I'm not sure....


Video of the fire

@NiceStrei Oh wow this changes the whole song for me.

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