The Edge of Glory Lyrics
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
But I got a reason that you-hoo should take me home tonight
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
Right on the limit's where we know we both belong tonight
I'm gonna run right th, to the edge with you
Where we'll both fall far in love
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
And I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight alright, alright
Tonight yeah baby, tonight yeah baby
It isn't hell if everybody knows my name tonight alright, alright
I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
And I'm hangin' on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
Out on the edge of glory and I'm hangin' on a moment with you
The edge, the edge, the edge, the edge
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you
I'm on the edge with you

Apparently this song is about the last moments before death, but before I knew this, I heard an interpretation that I really liked. After watching Lady Gaga perform this song on American Idol where she is on the edge of a cliff and jumps off with an obviously gay male, my fiance postulated that the song could be to young, gay people who are thinking of committing suicide because of their sexual orientation- perhaps in response to the rash of suicides by Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, and Tyler Clementi to name three. I felt horrible for these kids and their families, and being that Gaga is a huge gay rights activist, I liked the image of her putting herself with kids like them that are on the edge of committing suicide, and basically telling them that they are not alone. She is there with them "hanging on a moment of truth", trying to convince them not to kill themselves. I think this would be a great song of solidarity for the "It Gets Better" campaign.

pay close attention. this is gonna be a little long and might seem like it's going off-topic, but I promise by the end of it you'll truly understand the meaning behind this song. its about her grandfather, but theres also a deep underlying message in it, as well most of her music.
before we even start, I wanna say that im a huge Gaga fan. please note that she's not personally involved in a satanic life, but she is controlled by corporations who mingle in that sort of practice. she's exactly who she says she is, yet she's still controlled and cant speak pubicly about it. keep reading even if you're not following too well, there's very powerful meaning in every performance Gaga does, it's what I'm trying to explain here.
first thing to you need to understand is how the mainstream music industry and mainstream media operate. six massive corporations (General Electric, Disney, Viacom, News Corp, CBS, and Time Warner) have bought and own nearly every record label, newspaper, tv channel, radio station, movie studio, and every other form of media our society has. which means six corporate executives decide everything we watch on the news and tv, and everything that gets printed in newspapers and magazines. they basically own the public opinion and can manipulate it easily.
they also control the musicians they sign to their record labels, like Lady Gaga; and since they've managed to buy nearly every record label in America, it's very difficult to become famous in the business without their help, even with all the talent in the world. They have the best producers, best choreographers, best music video directors, and they also own Mtv along with the rest of the tv stations. they have everything needed to "make" a superstar. they also, unfortunately, have an agenda that they push on us. they constantly force musicians to include sex,vanity, and a love for money in their lyrics and videos.
whenever one of their superstars ( like britney spears or michael jackson) refuses to comply or "wants out" of the industry, the corporations have the power to turn the world against them. all they have to do is raise the price they'll pay for a picture of them and the paparazzi goes crazy. or spread rumors through the news and magazines. that's why CNN had a segment called "Brit-watch", where they would report on the "crazy" things britney is doing, instead of reporting the news. they ruin their lives and reputation through the media so that no one takes anything they say seriously.
Lady Gaga is a genius, and here's why: she knew exactly what she was getting into before she even wrote her first album. she understood the amount of control the corporations would have over her, and she signed onto the record deal with a plan in mind.
her plan was this: she used her "Poker Face" (and a shitload of amazing talent) and wrote songs with lyrics that she knew the corporations would love. she wrote about partying, sex, vanity, money and fame. she also included lots of Freemasonic symbolism in her videos in order to "play the role" of a easily controllable popstar. in return they gave her the best producers and directers and everything she needed to become this MASSIVE'm influentail superstar she now is. she even wrote a song dedicated to them, "Paparazzi". she wrote that song before she was anywhere near famous. she literally calls the media (paparazzi) her "papa", as if she were calling them her "daddy". she was basically kissing their *** and saying "make me a superstar." pure talent is never enough in the corporate music world, and she knew that.
Lady Gaga is a badass, and here's why: as soon as she reached this massive place of influence in society, she basically bent over and let out a huge fart all over her corporate managers. in other words, she wrote The Fame Monster. the entire album is basically one giant "F - you" to the industry. she literally calls "fame" a monster. she makes it seem as though she's singing about a relationship, when in reality she's singing about the industry and the control they have over musicians. listen to "Dance in the Dark" carefully. read the lyrics. she's talking about the media and how they treat their superstars who rebel. ("some girls won't dance to the beat of the track... she looks good but her boyfriend says she's a mess, now the girl is stressed")
many musicians have died for trying to reveal the truth. John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Tupac; all murdered for coming to close too the edge. a week after giving an interview about the importance of another revolution in America, Tupac was shot 9 times in the chest, surrounded by witnesses, and the police refused to file a report on the case. not a single witness was interviewed, proving how simple it is to bribe a police department. a revolution would mean corporations would no longer have the tight grip on the world that they now have, and they'll do anything to prevent it. thats why they try so hard to control their superstars, becuase of the amount of people these superstars can influence.
read all of Gaga's lyrics carefully. especially from her new album.
"i'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth.... another shot before we kiss the other side, i'm on the edge of something final we call life, put on your shades cause i'll be dancing in the flames" the lyrics are pretty self explanatory. shes on the edge of telling the truth. whenever she performs this song, she'll usually be restrained in some way (tied up, trapped in a glass box, gagged/unable to speak clearly) and as she begins the second verse (about death) she rips off her mouth gag, or frees herself from whatever is holding her. its all metaphoric for telling the truth.
before she plays "Teeth" live on the monster ball, she always gives this speech: "you know, im kinda like tinkerbell. you know how tinkerbell will die if you don't clap for her? some people would like me to die, but I'm not going anywhere.... do you know what I hate almost as much as I hate money? I hate the truth." then she screams " SHOW ME YOUR TEETH" she's challenging them. listen to the lyrics: "tell me something that'll save me, I need a man that makes me alright... im gonna love you with my hands tied" and then there's my favorite of all her lyrics: "help me man, now show me your fangs" shes taunting them, "the Man", the corporations who helped her into this massive place of influence only to realize that she's on our side. SHE'S FUCKING AWESOME JFJSKFKKSJFJJFKSKDHHDJAHFJ!
Bloody Mary: "we are not just art for michaelangelo to carve. he can't rewrite the agro off my furied heart. I wait on mountain tops in paris, I dont want to die alone." shes speaking to other musicians, telling them to stand up against the industry with her.
Americano: "i will fight for, I have fought for how I love you. I have cried for, I will die for how I care." shes talking to her fans.
The Queen: "don't forget me when I come crying to heavens door. I will fly on a Challenger across the sky, like a pheonix so you can remind them of the dream I bore" the Challenger was a space shuttle that blew up upon lift off, killing everyone onboard.
she's trying to make it obvious, so that if she's killed people can make the connection. shes undoubtedly the bravest and most badass person i've ever fucking looked into. look into her for yourself.
Wow, thank you for your interpretation, rubennnnx. That's along the lines of how i think, except you had much more to say than i do lol. It helps me look at this song with much more meaning, more ideas. That's why I love this fucking site!
Wow, thank you for your interpretation, rubennnnx. That's along the lines of how i think, except you had much more to say than i do lol. It helps me look at this song with much more meaning, more ideas. That's why I love this fucking site!
paws up bitches we are little monsters!
paws up bitches we are little monsters!

"The Edge of Glory" was revealed by Lady Gaga, in an interview with Google. She stated that the song is "about your last moment on earth, the moment of truth, the moment before you leave earth." In the same interview Gaga stated that she wrote "The Edge of Glory" after the death of her grandfather. Inspirations of the song came from the death of Gaga's grandfather, who passed away in late 2010.

"The Edge of Glory" was revealed by Lady Gaga, in an interview with Google. She stated that the song is "about your last moment on earth, the moment of truth, the moment before you leave earth." In the same interview Gaga stated that she wrote "The Edge of Glory" after the death of her grandfather. Inspirations of the song came from the death of Gaga's grandfather, who passed away in late 2010.

I get the same feeling as Panda101. It has a very epic/romantic feeling. This is definitely a contender for my wedding song. haha

This song is so beautiful when played acoustic

Apparently this is about her Grandfather's death and the last few moments a person spends alive. Considering she refers to this as "the Edge of Glory", I believe that the person she's singing about in the song is God, someone who as you die will "take [you] home tonight". It would also explain the lyrics "I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth, I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you", as it sounds like waiting for confirmation of God and heaven.
I love GaGa's ability to disguise a really meaningful song as a love song. She did it with this and Speechless, and I really do think it's a very beautiful thing for someone so talented to do.

Apparently this about the last breaths before dying and embracing God. That sounds very nice but.
I want this to be a sexual and intimate song. I want this song to be about the risk one takes in life, to pursue pleasure and love and risk tragic heartbreak or even death.
Although I expected lover's suicide in the video, Edge of Glory, the loneliness of Gaga on screen, not including Saxman, emphasized this intimate relationship. In this case, it is made with the viewer and Gaga. Just the two of us, on the edge.
I would also like to say the intimacy and romance is exemplified in the provocative set of clothes she wears, the dancing, and the fire escape window. The window, for me, is a cliche symbol of childish love, like when a young boy looks at a girl from the street and sees her and she shoots a wink back or something silly like that.
However, with God subbed in as the viewer, it makes just as much sense and if the extreme solitude is merely a metaphor for the isolation of death.
And for that matter, the isolation of death reminds me of a poem by Emily Dickinson in which the narrator describes a fly as she breaths her last breath. The poem itself is playful yet unnerving in it's description of the malicious little bugger. The irony is that, the narrator is completely disconnected from those who are physically near her, barely even acknowledging them. All there is the eerie fly, the crummiest symbol of death and decay.
Shrug. I liked the song and the video.

this song probably means that she'll do anything for her lover and will be with her until she dies or something.......

I'm thinking that she's on the EDGE OF GLORY with someone she's wanted for a long time. If it were about someone she had just met at a club, it wouldn't talk about love so much. It seems to be about someone she's wanted to be with for a long time and one night, it just happens. She knows it's wrong, maybe he's hurt her before but she loves feeling the rush and the wrongness of being with him but she doesn't care. S