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Rising Lyrics

I see you strapping on your velvet smile behind me
although you drown in innocence
Go on and swallow down that breath, the one that kills you
the sun goes down behind your eyes

come back to see, its always been the same shit
climbing right up, before it falls
come back to see, its always been the same deal
I cannot wait to see you fall

rising, you knock me off my feet again, yeah
I wont give up until you're wrong
rising, you knock me off my feet again, yeah
I wont give up before you're done

I see just lies behind the truth you think you tell me
under your breath there flows a smile
for quite a while the darkness spreading was amazing
and getting better all the time

Come back, in greed, I bet you want the same shit
its climbing right up right as we speak
"come back", I said, I think you'll get the same deal
I kick you down to see you fall

rising, you knock me off my feet again, yeah
I wont give up until you're wrong
rising, you knock me off my feet again, yeah
I wont give up before you're done
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