The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed cover) Lyrics

You and me we always sweat and strain
You look for sun, I look for rain
We're different people, we're not the same
The power of the sun

I look at treetops, you look for caps
Above the water, where the waves snap back
I flew around the world to bring you back
It was the power of your heart

The power of your heart
The power of your heart

All around the world to bring you back
It was the power of your heart
of your heart

You looked at me, I looked at you
Your sleeping heart was shining through
The wispy cobwebs that we're breathing through
The power of the heart

I looked at you, you looked at me
I thought of the past, you thought of what could be
I asked you once again to marry me
The power of the heart

The power of the heart
The power of the heart

All around the world just to bring you home
That's the power of your heart
of your heart

Everybody says love makes the world go round
I hear a bubble, I hear a sound
Of my heart beating then I turn around
Find you standing at the door

You know me I like to dream a lot
Of this and that and what is not
Finally I figured out what was what
It was the power of your heart

The power of your heart
The power of your heart

All around the world just to bring you back
It was the power of your heart
of your heart

You and me we sweat and strain
But the result, it's always the same
I think somehow we're in a game
The power of the heart

I think I'm dumb, and I know you're smart
The beating of a purebred heart
I say this to you and it's no lark
Marry me today

You know me I like to dream a lot
Of what there is and what there's not
But mainly I dream of you a lot
The power of your heart

The power of your heart
The power of your heart
All around the world to bring you back
It's the power of your heart

The power of your heart
The power of your heart

Finally I figured out what was what
It was the power of your heart
of your heart
of your heart
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Cover art for The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed cover) lyrics by Peter Gabriel

Excellent love song.

Cover art for The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed cover) lyrics by Peter Gabriel

SO cute!

Cover art for The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed cover) lyrics by Peter Gabriel

what exactly means "I look at treetops, you look for caps" english is not my first language and i think it might be a problem of dictionary but it also can be a metaphor

"I look at treetops, you look for caps Above the water, where the waves snap back"

The caps are the white bits on the top of a wave (the crest). The writer is illustrating difference by contrasting land with sea.

@ricflow my interpretation of the line i look at treetops you look for caps. is that he sees their love as limitless where she sees it to have reach as far as its gonna go. they are using caps in the form of a verb meaning to put a maximum limit on. if you look at the first verse he also used you look for sun i look for rain. to show how they aren't looking for the same thing

Cover art for The Power of the Heart (Lou Reed cover) lyrics by Peter Gabriel

I appreciate that from both of you, and yes it's sad that "you look for sun i look for rain. to show how they aren't looking for the same thing" part that you explained.
