28 Meanings
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I'm In Here Lyrics

I'm in here, can anybody see me?
Can anybody help?

I'm in here, a prisoner of history,
Can anybody help?

Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for,
You to come rescue me,
I need you to hold,
All of the sadness I can not,
Living inside of me.

I'm in here, I'm trying to tell you something,
Can anybody help?

I'm in here, I'm calling out but you can't hear,
Can anybody help?


I'm crying out, I'm breaking down,
I am fearing it all,
Stuck inside these walls,
Tell me there is hope for me
Is anybody out there listening?

[CHORUS] x 2

I'm in here, can anybody see me?
Can anybody help?
28 Meanings
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This song speaks to me on so many levels. I was nearly broken down to tears when I first heard the piano version. Even after hearing it a million times over, I still feel shaken to the core when I listen to it. Every time is still the first time.

You see, I'm a closeted gay male and it kills me to have to hide who I am in fear of losing the ones I love. No one knows that I'm gay. Not a single soul. I've been in denial about it for years. I'm a screaming cry for help and I feel like no one can hear me. I cry myself to sleep some nights because I'm so hurt by being who I am.

"Can't you hear my call? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for You to come rescue me"

This has two different meanings for me. There's the knight-in-shining-armor aspect: I've recently befriended a gay guy that I'm hopelessly falling for but I know we can never be because I'm "straight" and he's taken. This is the guy I think of every morning and every night. I just want so badly for him to be the one to hold me and show me all the reasons why I should come out.

And then there's the other aspect in which my family tells me that they know that I'm gay and they accept me and still love me. I just don't want them to look at me any differently and I definitely don't want them to treat me any differently.

"I am fearing it all, Stuck inside these walls"

I'm too afraid to let myself out of the closet because of fear of rejection from everyone that I know.

"Tell me there is hope for me Is anybody out there listening?"

Sometimes, I give up all hope in living a truly happy life. I just wish that one day someone will tell me that everything will be okay and I actually believe it.

everything will be ok, you just gotta keep fighting! I know that the fear of rejection is such a strong fear, but your friends if they have a problem with you being gay being who you are, they are not your friends. i hope someday soon you will come out of the closet and be happy and feel loved, cause everyone needs to feel those 2 (feelings) in there life. =)

I've never actually visited this website before but was reading these comments and felt I had to make an account to respond to yours, even though quite a lot of time has passed since you posted this.

I, like you, am a gay male, and I know how much it hurts to have to hide from your loved ones. It's indescribable to anyone who's not gone through it, but the fear is so great that being open (something you want more than anything else to be with people so important to you) could destroy everything, even their love for you....

@Conspiracies I hope you found peace. The book, Velvet Rage is helping me understand some of what you're struggling with. The stories and examples of the men in the book are dated and may not seem like you but the message is correct. The solutions make sense and are helpful.

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When I hear this song I hear the emptiness and loneliness it portrays. I've never been diagnosed with depression but I've felt this emptiness for as long as I can remember. Some days I'm sadder than most and other days I just feel numb. Sure I can smile and laugh but it doesn't mean anything. I've condition myself to seem normal. This song speaks to me, like most of the people here, and its a cry for help. Most of the time I deal with this on my own because I would rather not burden my friends and family. Though as the days go by the emptiness in my heart becomes to much.

[I'm in here can anybody see me? Can anybody help? I'm in here a prisoner of history Can anybody help?]

The person is looking out from within themselves, though normal in appearance, they're begging for someone to notice. Someone to see that not everything is as it seems. During this whole time they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Again, they want someone to correct them to let them know that it isn't okay and that there are other options.

[Can't you hear my call? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for, You to come rescue me, I need you to hold, All of the sadness I can not, Living inside of me.]

This is pretty self-explanatory because the person has exposed a little of themselves. Just enough for someone to see their pain. They need someone to realize the heaviness in their heart and need someone to know.

[I'm in here, I'm trying to tell you something, Can anybody help? I'm in here, I'm calling out but you can't hear, Can anybody help?]

Despite all the effort of trying to reveal the pain within it they are still being ignored; be it intentionally or unintentionally. I can relate to this in ways that people don't want to know. They've got their own problems and "don't" need my own. I also see it as this person, myself included, can't bring themselves to talk about what's troubling them.

[I'm crying out, I'm breaking down, I am fearing it all, Stuck inside these walls, Tell me there is hope for me Is anybody out there listening?]

In the end they feel hopeless. They want someone to be able to tell them, "Its going to be okay," but they can't bring themselves to really say anything. They can't escape from the walls they've built around themselves. Even though I care for my family and my best friends I can't bring myself to say anything. The person also just hopes that someone will notice or that someone has noticed something. They don't want to live with this darkness within them.

Song Meaning
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It could may as well refer to being in a coma. Trapped in your physical walls and mental state, going hand in hand with deep depression. To me, it's her expression of finding or losing yourself in the darkest deepest hole in your mind & realizing it. She's lovely

My Interpretation
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By the way, the piano vocal version of this song is beautiful...

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i made a dance to this song and it was powerful and made me cry everytime i danced it. To me, as i danced it. The girl, me was somebody with a sickness. Cancer or possibly in a coma. And they just want God to save them and get them out of their misery. Hopefully you guys can understand what i am speaking of when u reread the lyrics(:

Song Meaning

i think i'd never thought of it, but rereading the lyrics it really made sense! especially when she says

I am fearing it all, (like the disease, the perspective of death) Stuck inside these walls, (a hospital) Tell me there is hope for me (a cure for the disease)

And maybe she's singing to angels and/or to god.

Another option is a prisioner in death row. Who knows (:

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I think the song is about an unborn child. Scared, alone, wanting to be heard, searching for hope, stuck inside. I think Sia is using this song to advocate for unborn children. That's at least how I choose to see it. Isn't art beautiful. We can all look at this song and(with our life experiences)take away from it completely different understandings. I love Sia!!!

Song Meaning
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First of all, I would like to say that I feel like this is the 'Breathe Me' of this album. I have always been such a huge fan of Breathe Me. I love every song of hers that I have ever heard, but there is just something about 'Breathe Me' that I didn't think could be replicated. Well, I was wrong. I feel like this is another person crying out for help and you see how delicate they are. So broken. I think that's what makes them both such beautiful songs. Love them. As for the meaning, I would like to throw something crazy out. I might be feeling this because it's almost October, but could it be about a sad(all of this sadness I can not, living inside me), lost soul(I'm in here, can anybody see me)? Like a ghost(I'm in here, a prisoner of history) that can't find their way to heaven and are stuck on earth, in the building where they died(Stuck inside these walls) and can't find their way out(can anybody help)? I just really feel like some souls can get lost and not know how to get where they're going. They're sad and they don't know where their loved ones are(can't you hear me? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for you to come rescue me.) It like this soul is stuck and is waiting for their loved one to come help them out of this building. They want to be with who they know and love. They're sad because they need help. I would like to think it's about what I said above. It's something different and spooky and sad at the same time. However, it could also be about a person stuck in a past relationship when the other person has moved on. I still think it's a tragic story of a lost soul just wanting to be in Heaven. ( :

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This song makes me want to tear up every time I hear it. Sia has an amazing talent for writing haunting melodies and lyrics.

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I feel this song is about depression. I see myself in a lot of this song, especially before I was diagnosed. I felt so lost and hopeless, despite every bone in my body telling me that dieing was the best way, I wanted someone to save me. ("I'm in here, can anybody see me? Can anybody help?") I couldn't control the fact I had depression, it was passed on down from generations of family. ("I'm in here, a prisoner of history, can anybody help?")

"Can't you hear my call? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for, You to come rescue me, I need you to hold, All of the sadness I can not, Living inside of me."

In the last few months before I'd seen my therapist, I'd become more reckless -- more out there with my self-destructiveness. I wanted so badly for someone to save me, to help me see the light of day. I knew it was possible, just not through my own ways. I needed to be held, I was sixteen and so lost, I felt older beyond my years. I thought that my boyfriend at the time could "hold all the sadness" that I couldn't. However, he ended up just aiding my problems.

I started hurting myself in more obvious spots, hoping someone would see them and maybe, just maybe, question me -- more so than anyone else had done. ("I'm in here, I'm trying to tell you something, Can anybody help?") No one listened though. I confessed to my best friend that I hurt myself, but she did nothing. Just stared at me and started to pull away from our friendship. ("I'm in here, I'm calling out but you can't hear. Can anybody help?")

"Can't you hear my call? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for, You to come rescue me, I need you to hold, All of the sadness I can not, Living inside of me."

When my mom found out, instead of comforting me and telling me everything would be okay, she turned on me and told me, "my life wasn't so bad." I wanted her to cuddle me, to tell me she forgave me, that she'd help me fix it. Of course, that didn't happen.

("I'm crying out, I'm breaking down.") Telling my therapist at the time was the most scariest thing I'd ever done. I felt I couldn't lie anymore. That I couldn't hide myself. I wanted to be happy, I NEEDED to be happy. ("I am fearing it all, stuck inside these walls,") I couldn't be scared anymore of what was to happen. Of being put in a psych ward for a little while. But I was stuck inside the walls of my own head, which wasn't so pretty on the inside. I wanted to know I could get better, that this endless spiral wasn't forever. ("Tell me there is hope for me, Is anybody out there listening?")

I never went to the psych ward, my mother decided it was better not to. I've been in intensive therapy since then, which is now going on three years. I'm not all put together, unlike Humpty Dumpty, and there are days when the cracks show more than others. I think I'm starting to lose my way again, I'm changing for the worse, and it's scary to have to ask for help. Sometimes I wish others would be able to just see it and do something about it, because Lord knows I won't do it myself. ("I'm in here, can anybody see me? Can anybody help?")

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I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be: "All of the sadness I can not, Live with inside of me." Instead of: "All of the sadness I can not, Living inside of me." I'm Swedish so I'm not one hundred percent sure.

Lyric Correction
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