Billionaire Lyrics
This is actually a pretty smart commentary on recent events and the disappointment and frustration with Bush followed by Obama:
The lines about Fema and then the reference to playing basketball with Obama and his better etiquette followed by "toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it" and keeping the different denominations of money separate - a reference to the stimulus that didn't seem to have a coherent focus and giving big money to some (banks) and peanuts to everyone else.
But when he talks about what HE would do, it's totally different. 1) he would visit where Katrina hit and actually help the people. He would take his money and adopt kids that don't have shit, fulfill someone's last wish, divide it up among his friends, and make sure no one goes hungry - exactly what people DON'T do when they have money but what they should do. In other words, focus on people and not himself. He's pointing out hypocrisy with the self-absorption of the chorus, which is about putting himself in the limelight.
shinning should be spelt like shining sorry, im a spelling nazi and i totally love this song :D
For some reason MCR lovers love this song mmm...
For some reason MCR lovers love this song mmm...
Awesome song! Has a bit of a message as well, even if it is a little unrealistic. makin any music lately? If it takes one "bomb song" (in your opinion) to lose respect for an artist, then you must be a fairweather kind of human being...Although you may not respect the art, you should respect the artist. At least he is trying
Well i think birdie just got owned LOL!!! =)
Well i think birdie just got owned LOL!!! =)
I love the ska sound.
The part where he disses Katy Perry owns
Just a feel good song about all the good he would do if he was rich, not just the superficial magazine cover shoots.
love travie <3
totally in love with this song:)
so fuckin' bad, i wanna be a billionaire so fuckin' bad