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Sing It Out Lyrics

I'm on the run
I'm on the ropes this time
Where is my song?
I've lost the song of my soul tonight

Sing it out
Sing it out
Take what is left of me
Make it a melody
Sing it out
Sing out loud
I can't find the words to sing
You be my remedy

My song
My song
I'll sing with what's left of me

Where is the sun?
Feel like a ghost this time
Where have you gone?
I need your breath in my lungs tonight

Sing it out
Sing it out
Take what is left of me
Make it a melody
Sing it out
Sing out loud
I can't find the words to sing
You be my remedy

My song
My song
I'll sing with what's left of me

I'm holding on
I'm holding on to you
My world is wrong
My world is a lie that's come true
And I fall in love with the ones that run me through
When all along all I need is you

Sing it out
Sing it out
Take what is left of me
Make it a melody
Sing it out
Sing out loud
I can't find the words to sing
Come be my remedy

My song
My song
My song
I'll sing with what's left of me

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Submitted by
loona3 On Sep 11, 2009
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Cover art for Sing It Out lyrics by Switchfoot

Jon Foreman- "Sometimes I lose the plot. I feel like I'm hopelessly lost underwater, as though I can't figure out which way is up. I know that there's a song somewhere inside of me but I just can't remember what it is. I want my life to be the poetry of the Poet himself, I want to sing- to be a melody intertwined with The Melody Himself. But sometimes I'm hopelessly lost, broken, spent. I fall in love with the ones and things that take life and love away from me. I need The Song Himself to sing through me. I need The Word Himself to speak into me.

Here's a song that we worked on maybe more than any of the others. There are so many versions of this song. The demo leaned towards Massive Attack. The next version was even darker- tracked with Daryll. Most of the elements that we tracked with Daryll made it to the final cut (except some incredibly moody drums that we did with him). We kept trying to find a pulse that would be constant but wouldn't feel like a dirge. The next iteration of the song sounded much more like Sade with a really memorable bass line that Tim came up with. But still, we all felt like the song was stronger without these superfluous elements. So we used the always effective "mute button" on pretty much everything. The song is singing about itself- struggling for melody, for life, for meaning. Singing about rebirth, the song spends most of its time in the grave and comes to a bright glorious finish, held out until the very end. To match the lyric we saved almost every instrument for the end of the song. In my opinion, the essence of the song was the only thing that survived on the record."

Cover art for Sing It Out lyrics by Switchfoot

I love this song...and Jon's explanation of it is just what I thought of when I was listening to it for the first time. It just make you want to throw up you hands in worship to God. There's so many things in life where we need God to speak through us, to sing through us and to live through us and I feel like this song is just a plea to God to show Himself strong and powerful through us.

Cover art for Sing It Out lyrics by Switchfoot

Probably the most beautiful song on this album, in my opinion. It's all about hope through despair. My favorite part is the bridge:

I'm holding on I'm holding on to you My world is wrong My world is a lie that's come true And I fall in love with the ones that run me through When all along all I need is you

It's so true. When we fall in love with the things of this world, or the people that aren't meant for us, sometimes being "run through" is what it takes to get our attention and bring us back to God.

Jon Foreman's music and lyrics never fail to get me right where I need it. <3

Cover art for Sing It Out lyrics by Switchfoot

Probably the single best, most eloquently composed track on the entire album, in my view. Every time I listen I find myself swept into this beautiful serenity that only God can bring, the light in all my storms. For me this song, pieces together the complex metaphor of the Christian walk, the myriad hopes and the desperation we find ourselves clinging to like a concrete block. More than anything it's about raw plea from the depths of the soul to run after Christ, in the midst of a thousand distractions. Sometimes we forgot that seeking the divine creator's melody for our lives, is the purpose of our creation and we need those little reminders. .

So many times we find ourselves running life's labyrinth's, shuffling our feet trying to escape the madness that consumes us, without once stopping to seek God. In a way, this song summarizes the way I feel when I surrender my heart to true worship of Christ.

I'm holding on I'm holding on to you My world is wrong My world is a lie that's come true And I fall in love with the ones that run me through When all along all I need is you

So beautiful. Probably my favorite part of the song, since it reminds me of that peace I find in singing to God, pouring out all my troubles unto him. There's something indescribable about the way true worship can calm the strongest of our storms in life.

Yes, indeed. This song leads us to see God face to face, and to walk in His truth.

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Cover art for Sing It Out lyrics by Switchfoot

This song at first I thought this was a personification of passion of the Christ and that when I or heard the way it was sung I thought this was Jesus talking with God inside of himself saying that I'm ready to sing out to you and to be my remedy when I'm dead and that if I'm gonna die on this cross I'll let all I have inside me and sing it out to you. The most perfect verse which gave me the assumption was when he says "I'm holding on I'm holding on to You" (basically saying when he was on the cross he was holding on to Him so that Jesus can be resurrected to God. My world is wrong my world is lies come true and I fall in love with the ones that run me through (talking about he had a deep loving relationship with his disciples as the ones that follow him. "When all along all I need is you" (he's saying that all he needs is God in his life) my personal opinion of the song I'm really wrong but it was what I thought