24 Meanings
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Before the Lobotomy Lyrics

I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from

I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams

Everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline

There is no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground

Life before the lobotomy
Christian sang the eulogy
Sign my love a lost memory
From the end of the century

Well it's enough to make you sick
To cast a stone and throw a brick
When the sky is falling down
It burned your dreams into the ground

Christian's lesson's what he's been sold
We are normal and self-controlled
Remember to learn to forget
Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes

Well I'm not stoned
I'm just fucked up
I got so high I can't stand up
I'm not cursed 'cause I've been blessed
I'm not in love 'cause I'm a mess

Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
The brutality of reality
Is the freedom that keeps me from

I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from

I can hear them singing
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams

Everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline

There is no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground
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24 Meanings

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Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

In my opinion: This is the first song from Gloria's point of view. Remember, the song before this, Viva la Gloria, when we were introduced to this character who completely changed midway through the song? That was quite obviously in Christian's point of view and the last line was "Tell me the story of your life." Well here it is, this is Gloria's story that he asked for, much like 21st Century Breakdown was Christians story. Problem is, she can't remember much. She didn't get a literal "lobotomy" but joining life with Christian, the extremist revolutionary leader, has wiped away most of her fond dreams and memories. The brutal sadness of reality has washed away the time with her family, even laughter and a more fulfilling life.

The negativity and pain has tarnished her innocence and without her faith she compares herself to a "lost refugee." Also I think "Christian sang the eulogy" is, in a way, referring back to "Viva la Gloria" but also Christian basically killed the person who was Gloria, as she has morphed into a completely different person since initially meeting him. In her mind, she's not any worse though, because she found out the "truth" about the cons of America from Christian - yet she's not in love with him either, because she's too drugged out and disgusted with the world.

I've listened to quite a few concept albums and this is right up there. Great stuff Green Day.

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

Green Day playing with time signatures! What?!

Ha ha, I love it. My favorite off the new album so far. Incredible energy bookended by the emotional "dreaming, singing, dying, laughter" sections. Two great characters are being developed here: Gloria and Christian (patriotism and faith personified, respectively). Gloria got a lobotomy after 9/11. Christian tried to offer comfort and reasurrance because of the ordeal.

What sticks out to me is the "to cast a stone and throw a brick" line, which connects a gospel reading to the Dookie song "She" in a very interesting way. The whole Jesus and Mary Magdalene thing, yes.

"I got so high, I can't stand up." is also a stand out. There is a lot of irony in this song, and it almost demands an explanation.

I'm probably wrong.. I always think of religion when I listen to this song..

It just seems like whoever's point of view it's from...they've stopped believing in something. "Dreaming I was only dreaming Of another place and time Where my family's from

Singing I can hear them singing When the rain had washed away All these scattered dreams" and the the brutality of reality...it's like, believing something for a long time, and then you realize it's was all wrong.

Now, lobotomy..means to literally cut connections in the brain, and as a result, the "patients must...

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Oops..I didn't mean to make that a reply.

I'm kinda new to this.

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"Well I'm not stoned, Im just fucked up" "I got so high, I can't stand up" Sounds a bit like "Basketcase" Maybe a bit more personal than at first glance. Perhaps Billie Joe is reminiscing on his own past here

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Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

greenday2012vp: i get more out of these songs then i would with books (not that i dont LOVE to read)...but i think they're more meaningful in songs form. billie has said that 21st century breakdown is the continuation of american idiot and i can really see that right here. This song always gives you something more the more times you listen to it. my favorite line is probably remember to learn to forget...it reminds me of 1984 by george orwell

      To continue with the idea expressed by greenday2012vp, I would argue that a book for each album would not work. I also feel that as poignant as the new album can be at times,  it (even and perhaps especially if American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown are viewed as one overall artistic work) only tells one part of the Christian/Gloria story. Fully told, Christian's story would probably be a much larger piece spanning several albums.       Act I would most likely begin with Longview and Who Wrote Holden Caulfield as a means of setting the stage for his disillusionment...

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Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

someone explain something to me. this album seems to take a lot of stabs at Christianity and seems to be saying that Christians are hypocrites, but isn't Billie Joe a tad bit religious himself?

i dont think that christianity is ever directly "stabbed" at in the album, relgion in general is however, you might be getting confused because one of the main characters is called Christian and it pays to remember that religion and the church(and its equilivants in other religions) are very different things, i think this song and the album hit at the church but not religion

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ahhh ok. thanks.

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actually no, im not taking that now.. Billie Joe himself said that he wrote about the hypocrisy of Christianity and other religions. and I'm not getting confused becuase of the name Christian, i'm not stupid for fucks sake. religion and the church is hardly different, wtf..

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Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

All of his songs have this theme because he's passionate about what he does. I can greatly respect that. He's a truth seeker and beacon, it's the only thing that brings him peace.

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

From what i can see, Christian has been reminiscing [sp?] and relizes the best of the past ("Songs of yesterday/Now live in the underground") and his dreams ("I can hear them singing/When the rain had washed away/All these scattered dreams") have been shattered by the end of the century and he's given up on love ("I'm not in love 'cause I'm a mess"). I think it also has to do w/ how the leaders try to make everything seem ok and not to worry 'bout the past ("We are normal and self-controlled/Remember to learn to forget/Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes"). That's all i've noticed so far, and i can't wait to see what other people turn out on the meaning and how this fits in to the full album's storyline.

My Interpretation

ive always had the feeling that it was a sort of flashforward of what is to happen in the story. i guess thats how ive felt about the whole cd. i feel like the story is over and someone is now narrating the story back over to us.

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Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

what a sad song.

I love it.

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

What about the fact that towards the end, it is realized that "We're Lost like Refugees, the brutality of the reality is the freedom that keeps me from.." and the music cuts back into the dreaming section. But this time he states "I WAS only dreaming" as if he is contradicting himself. He says he finds the "reality" of things but then thinks: "I was only dreaming" as if to say the thoughts he was having were wrong to have, no one is lost- even though they are. Especially since it says "Christian's lesson is what he's been sold" as if he was talked out of these thoughts by society.

I just thought that was interesting. And the fact that he says "The freedom that keeps me from.. Dreaming" is also a complete contradiction of freedom itself- much like our country perhaps? "Lost like refugees" I think might also suggest that once, our country had purpose to create freedom and refuge for all, and was symbolized by this, but now we've lost that purpose and are unsure where to turn for true refuge.

Does any of that make sense? Feedback please.

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

screaming, you will hear me scraming, when the fog will make you see my lost memories.

thank you, Kinus

Cover art for Before the Lobotomy lyrics by Green Day

I think this song's about Christian getting the lobotomy, with him singing his own eulogy and the eulogy being the "dreaming, singing, dying, laughter" part. Of course its not a literal lobotomy, but I think it describes him becoming more apathetic toward the world around him.

could be, thats the great thing about this album....it could be explored in many ways by every person who buys it.

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