Sweet Disposition Lyrics
Never too soon
Oh, reckless abandon
Like no one's watching you
A moment a love
A dream a laugh
A kiss a cry
Our rights
Our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
'Cause I'll be coming over
And while our blood's still young
It's so young, it runs
And won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
I played them for you
A moment, a love
A dream a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights
Our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream a laugh
'Cause I'll be coming over
And while our blood's still young
It's so young, it runs
And won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
Won't stop til it's over
Won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender

Q: "So what's the song really about?" A: " When we're young, we act first and think later. But as adults, we rationalize everything. Basically, the song is about capturing the innocence of youth." - In NYLON NOV 09
i love love love this song.
Clouds1 - is there a link to this interview that you're referencing?
Clouds1 - is there a link to this interview that you're referencing?
I think this is the best interpretation of the song.
I think this is the best interpretation of the song.

I rode back home from college with 3 very close friends, driving through the fields on that familiar path home, the windows down and the wind rushing through the car, blasting this song, our hair flying. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life, it encompassed everything I was feeling in that moment.
First, the buildup makes you think of things all starting-- to me, the excitement of an adventure, sharing the song and moment with friends, thinking of all the rest of the beautiful moments we would have together. And nostalgic, going home for the first time in so long, so weird to be going back to a life we used to live, the houses we grew up in, our parents, our dogs, our streets with the kids playing, feeling so profoundly different from the person you were when this was your life.
This song is about being stuck between then and now. Who are you, really, in this moment? What can you know, more than what you feel? "A moment, a love, A dream aloud,A kiss, a cry, Our rights, our wrongs" << all the little things that give life meaning, feeling alive when the emotions that accompany these things rush over you. Just feeling so alive.
okay sooo like i love this site but i never signed up for it until i read your comment...
okay sooo like i love this site but i never signed up for it until i read your comment...
and here's why....
and here's why....
sooooooo, 3 of my best friends and I were driving home from a performance and we always pass this section in the freeway we take home and its like fields of flowers and hills... and then this song came up, and it was the most incredible feeling being with my best friends driving home with all the windows down blasting this song, and when i read this.... it was sooo surreal cause your experience is the same experience...
sooooooo, 3 of my best friends and I were driving home from a performance and we always pass this section in the freeway we take home and its like fields of flowers and hills... and then this song came up, and it was the most incredible feeling being with my best friends driving home with all the windows down blasting this song, and when i read this.... it was sooo surreal cause your experience is the same experience i had but we were all boys, lol
soo its soo eerie when i read your comment!!
lol okay i'm done being a weirdo, lmao
that's so awesome! great song for sure.. i wonder how many people in the world have driven to this song and got this feeling
that's so awesome! great song for sure.. i wonder how many people in the world have driven to this song and got this feeling

Disposition is a habit..something or someone you always go back to(in this case I believe someone)..reckless abandon is just the opposite, getting away from that habit or set of friends..so you can be someone else(like no one's watching you that knows you)..so if you have something or someone you love and is your sweet disposition and then you can abandon them(get away from them(a set of friends or your place in the life of those people)..so when he says 'just stay there' he's away from them all or her or his habit(whatever he loves) and wants her/him/it to stay there because he'll be going back to it.It's about being young as well and enjoying these moments of life that he's having with people. Songs of desperation..what a great theme..aren't we all desperate in your youth...not having this and that..one day we'll be older and have the spouse/career..all that security..but we'll have lost our youth..so while our blood is young we should enjoy what we do have which is each other's love/friendship/etc..very inspirational

This is a song I can constantly listen to and not really get tired of. Australia has been pumping out the most amazing music for the past couple of years; cut copy, digitalism, oh mercy, clue to kalo, and many more have made my new favorites list. As for this song, it is very Bill Joel reminiscent but packed with so much more feeling and power.
Digitalism aren't Australian.
Digitalism aren't Australian.
I never realized one could use aren't in place of is not. I learned something new today.
I never realized one could use aren't in place of is not. I learned something new today.
If you wanna get technical, bands are actually considered "collective nouns" in British English (though many Americans also refer to them this way) so it is indeed proper to say " are a good band" as opposed to " is a good band".
If you wanna get technical, bands are actually considered "collective nouns" in British English (though many Americans also refer to them this way) so it is indeed proper to say " are a good band" as opposed to " is a good band".

So this is my view on the song, don't bitch if you disagree.
Its about people in their youth - obviously - and about all the things they go through, the fun, the first experiences, the first love and relationship. I reckon that its about a couple who are in love, even though they are young and reckless, and are trying to stay together and live through their youth together without... breaking up? That's where you get the whole "So stay there, cause I'll be coming over"
But that being said, they are living up their teenage years at the same time. So there will be moments of "our rights, our wrongs". Dunno... I've kinda lost what I was getting at.
Still, in the end this is what I pick up; Youth, first love, and living through their youth together, through all their rights and wrongs.

Not gonna lie, heard this song for the first time watching (500) Days of Summer (awesome movie, go see it) and fell in love with it. Does anyone else think it sounds a lot like Angels & Airwaves (the intro does at least)?
I think this song is about not only living for the moment, but sharing it with someone else.
ahhhh I was just about to comment that the intro sounds like angels and airwaves!! I'm thinking the intro of the song 'adventure'
ahhhh I was just about to comment that the intro sounds like angels and airwaves!! I'm thinking the intro of the song 'adventure'
I'm a huge fan of angels and airwaves... these guys remind me of a more tight knit version of Angels and airwaves and not as cheesy.
I'm a huge fan of angels and airwaves... these guys remind me of a more tight knit version of Angels and airwaves and not as cheesy.
Not gonna lie, I heard this song the same way. 500 Days of summer has one of the best movie soundtracks ever. That's how I found out about the other love of my life, REGINA SPEKTOR
Not gonna lie, I heard this song the same way. 500 Days of summer has one of the best movie soundtracks ever. That's how I found out about the other love of my life, REGINA SPEKTOR

I Heard them play on jimmy kimmel live and it was amazing..not too sure what the song means, but even if it meant clipping your toenails, this shit is awesome. this is a new sound for me and im loving it...

I thought it was A dream, a laugh
and i love this song so much, it has a beautiful melody and for me the lyrics capture the feeling of being young and in love
They're Aussie blokes, and I've listened hard to see if I could hear "laugh" but I couldn't. The pitch is too high for it to be that word I think. Aussies tend to say "laugh" like "larf".
They're Aussie blokes, and I've listened hard to see if I could hear "laugh" but I couldn't. The pitch is too high for it to be that word I think. Aussies tend to say "laugh" like "larf".
I could hear "laugh". And if you see the music video his mouth moves with "laugh". At least it looks like that to me ...
I could hear "laugh". And if you see the music video his mouth moves with "laugh". At least it looks like that to me ...
i've tried to hear it as aloud or a lie, but it's definitely a laugh
i've tried to hear it as aloud or a lie, but it's definitely a laugh

Amazing song! They're already a new favourite band of mine.
Unlike everyone else, I heard this song on Channel 4's V Festival advert.
triple J...not 500 days of summer :)
triple J...not 500 days of summer :)

Hahaha Talons... Unlike everyone else, I saw this song played on an Australian football advert on Channel 10, for the finals series :D
And can I just say... Australians seem to make the most awesome music <3 This song is fantastic.