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Losing Touch Lyrics

Console me in my darkest hour
Could this be that the truth is always gray
Caress me in your velvet chair
Conceal me from the ghost you cast away

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill their heads with rumors of impending doom
It must be true

Console me in my darkest hour
And tell me that you'll always hear my cries
I wonder what you got conspired
I'm sure it was the consolation prize

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill the night with stories, the legend grows
Of how you got lost

But you made your way back home
You sold your soul, like a Roman vagabond yeah

I heard you found a wishing well
In the city
Console me in my darkest hour (in my darkest hour)
And you throw me down

I'm in no hurry, you go run
And tell your friends I'm losing touch
Fill your crown with rumors
Impending doom, it must be true

But you made your way back home
You sold your soul, like a Roman vagabond

And all that now you got lost, but you made your way back home
You went and sold your soul, an allegiance dead and gone
I'm losing touch
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31 Meanings

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Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

I haven't seen the liner notes to know if the lyrics are there or not but does anyone else think that it's "roamin' Vagabond" and not "Roman Vagabond?"

Roamin' vagabond certainly makes more sense...

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Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

To me, this song is clearly about being betrayed by someone you trusted, in this case probably a close friend or a girlfriend. It's like, in the first verse she's "consoling him" - he's opening up to her about some personal issue he has and she's telling him not to worry about it. Then in the chorus, he clearly knows full well that she's two faced - she acts understanding and caring to his face, then she goes running off to tell her friends that he's losing touch - which either means losing his mind, or losing touch with her or with his friends - and "filling their heads with rumors of impending doom", which I think is either that he's about to completely lose it or else that they're going to break up.

In the second verse, it's a similar story. She's telling him that she "always hears his cries" - that is, that she will always be there and listen when he needs to talk to someone about whatever it is that's upsetting him - but at the same time, he knows she's not keeping his secrets, he knows what she's "got conspired".

Second chorus: Again, she can go and fill the night with her stories, but he doesn't care - stories of "how she got lost, but she made her way back home... Sold her soul, like a roaming vagabond" - this to me sounds very much like she cheated on him, then came crawling back to him without realizing that he actually knew about it all along.

Third verse: "I heard you found a wishing well, in the city... Console me in my darkest hour, then you throw me down..." This is a little more complicated. The wishing well metaphor I don't fully understand, but a wishing well is a well which will supposedly grant spoken wishes. It could be that she's wishing she was with someone else, or that he's wishing all this would come out or stop. But either way, she betrays him again - "you throw me down" as in you bring me to this wishing well and then you throw me down it.

The next chorus is very telling. Again, he tells her that he ain't in no hurry, she can go running off to her friends and spreading rumors about him - and this time, it's made very clear that it's rumor mongering he's referring to, as when he says "fill your crown with rumors" (the crown perhaps being a reference to the idea that she thinks she's perfect whilst pointing out everything wrong with him) you can hear very loud and indistinct whispers, signifying the whirlwind of gossip she's spreading behind his back.

The whole chorus repeats again, but with one final change at the end:

"Heard about how you got lost, but you made your way back home You sold your soul, an allegiance dead and gone Oh, I'm losing touch"

He finally comes out and says it. She used to be loyal to him but that's over, she's completely betrayed him. At the end of the song he repeats her lie: "I'm losing touch". If you think of this as a rant, him ranting to her, it's like he finally tells her he knows what she's been saying about him.

My view of this song might be a bit skewed since I myself had just been hugely betrayed the first time I ever heard it so my mind was already running that way when I was coming up with a meaning. It was very similar to the song too - "you go run and tell your friends I'm losing touch" is a line I can relate to more than anything, it cuts unbelievably close to the bone! That's why the killers are so amazing though, they always manage to write songs which remind each person about their own life. Everyone will listen to this album and find a different meaning in each of the songs and that's what makes the Killers such a great band. Songs like this are rare, and bands who make ALL of their songs like that, such as The Killers or U2, are even rarer. Best song on the entire album in my opinion, really hope it's the next single they release!

My Interpretation
Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

Brandon Flowers being the lyricist for The Killers, and him being a devout Christian, alot of the Killers songs have religous undertones. In this song for example. The majority of the song, he is talking directly to God sayin that "he" consoles him in his darkest hour, and tell me that you always here my cries. I think that this song is about his internal stuggle to adapt his beliefs to a new understanding of the world. "Convince me that the truth is always grey" is the most profound line in the the song to me because when you ponder and question life from a christian perspective, alot of things dont add up, but when you start making sense of it and still maintain your essential christian values, the sense attained doest go with the traditonal christian view hence, "Go run and tell your friends im loosing touch." Using the word friends to refer to local traditional christain leaders, like pastors and preachers or even friends and family. i have other interpretations for the other lines like "velvet chair" he's refering to royalty, Jahova the king of kings. "impending doom" obviously hell. "the ghost you cast away" Satan. Thats how I see it, let me know if you agree or at least understand where i'm coming from.

My Interpretation

he is not a christian haha he is a mormon

wow, a whole theory revolving around an incorrect fact about his religion

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The worst part is that it makes more sense if you think of it as coming from a Mormon who has in the past struggled with his faith. -___-

PS Mormons consider themselves Christians just a lot of Christians are picky on including others (ie some don't include Catholicism which was the foundation of almost all Christianity.) http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/guestvoices/2007/12/are_mormons_christians.html I know it was forever ago lol but still!

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If Mormons aren't Christians why do they believe in Christ?

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Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

Console me in my darkest hour Convince me that the truth is always grey Caress me in your velvet chair Conceal me from the ghost you cast away

I ain't in no hurry, you go run and tell your friends I'm losing touch Fill their heads with rumors of impending doom It must be true

Console me in my darkest hour And tell me that you always hear my cries I wonder what you've got conspired I'm sure it dons a consolation prize

I ain't in no hurry, you go run and tell your friends I'm losing touch Fill the night with stories, the legend grows

Of how you got lost, but you made your way back home You sold your soul like a Roman Vagabond, yeah

I heard you found a wishing well In the city Console me in my darkest hour And you throw me down

I ain't in no hurry, you go run and tell your friends I'm losing touch Fill your crown with rumors Impending doom It must be true

But you made your way back home You sold your soul, like a Roman Vagabond And about how you got lost, but you made your way back home You went and sold your soul, an allegiance dead and gone I'm losing touch

Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

Great song. I hope it doesn't hit the radio though and get over played.

Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

i can so see myself playing this on rock band :)

This is one of the songs that inspired me to go to Las Vegas last year. Spring break was around the corner, I was working writing non stop philosophy papers, I was going insane. On impulse, I packed my bags and hit the road with my two friends. We barely prepared, but isn't that the point of a road trip? Our destination? Brandon Flower's homeland. It was the best week of my life, and I owe it to Sin city, Christina, Elena, and the Killers B)

The Killers were the soundtrack to our road trip and to my life!

I went to Vegas for spring break this year, and loved every second of it, mostly because of how much I love the music of Brandon Flowers and the Killers.

His music means so much more to me after a week there. After walking down the Strip for the first time, his song, "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" gave me chills. Every Killers fan needs to visit Vegas!

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Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The
Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

I bet this is the 2nd single off of DAY AND AGE...it's got an awesome build-up and really takes off at the end....it's got RADIO-HIT all over it.

Cover art for Losing Touch lyrics by Killers, The

I think this should have been the first single, but I seem to be in the minority. Great song, I like the transitions