Like It Too Much Lyrics
Off with their heads, and always lead opinion polls.
Like crocodiles they march in files of unison.
Going in and out of, another state of, try not to be obvious, you get the first one free.
I like it too much, I like it too much.
Going in and out of, another state of, try not to be obvious, you get the first one free.
I like it too much I like it too much.

Church versus Evolution. The singer embraces his animal nature, and taunts the church authorities, pointing out their animal nature, the ridiculousness of denying it, the inevitability of failure, and the unhappiness that follows.
In the past ("nights of old"), the Inquisition, Witch-hunters, etc, with the full support of the peeople, enforced church law ("Off with their heads"), and in some countries (eg where Islamic Sharia law is enforced), they still do. They "lead opinion polls" because the public is moralistic and out-for-blood (just try getting elected in the USA today if you say you DON'T believe in God).
Church leaders, in this song, are Christian, wearing ancient green and gold religious robes (of the sort King Harrold was depicted wearing back in 1066 and all that). They "march in file in unison" because they are on the prowl for dissenters, who they will snap at "like crocodiles."
But the singer suggests these hypocrites are "going in and out of" their sexually desirous animalistic state "trying not to be obvious."
When it comes to sex, Our Darwinist narrator "likes it too much" to give it up, and he taunts the church leaders: "The one thing you cant have, you like too much. You look but you cannot touch." And he goes on to thrust the evolutionary basis for their difficulty in their faces: "Coz you are, descended from animals, and you are constructed of chemicals."
And like Jimmy Swaggart and other moral hypocrites, etc, our narrator points out they all fall like dominos in resisting their animal nature: "Like dominoes, one only goes. They all fall, sail the ship, rock the boat."
Of this song, I gotta say "I like it too much!" :)
yhtrownu nailed it on the head. I can't see any other interpretation and I was going to post something similar to this.
yhtrownu nailed it on the head. I can't see any other interpretation and I was going to post something similar to this.

"In uniforms, of green and gold, Like crocodiles they march in files of unison." i thought could be a reference to Australians? (Our national colours are green and gold, as are the uniforms of our athletes etc.) and also the crocodiles bit - crocs being native to Australia... but im not too sure about the rest of the lyrics? Great song though, love the new album :)